Terms of Service

Last Updated: October 1, 2024

Thank you for choosing Meevo! We appreciate your business!

MSI is an industry leader offering online business management tools for the beauty and wellness space. This is your agreement to comply with MSI's general terms and conditions (referred to as these "Terms and Conditions", "Terms of Service" or these “Terms" and sometimes referred to as this "Agreement") governing your access to and use of the proprietary, cloud based "Meevo" "Software as a Service" offered by Millennium Systems International, LLC ("MSI", "we", "our", or "us"), and, your access to and use of any other MSI cloud products or services including but not limited to MSI’s MeevoPay, Pre-Release Services, MSI’s SMS Messaging Service, Meevo MSI Engage and any MSI Apps. The term "Services", which includes the foregoing products and services, is more fully defined below. It is important that you review these Terms carefully, because they document your legal rights and obligations in connection with your access to and/or use of the Services, and when you access/use the Services, you are agreeing to comply with these Terms.


MSI reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, in its sole discretion, and without notice, so you should check these Terms for changes from time to time. Your access and use of the Services after any changes means that you accept and agree to the changed Terms. If you do not agree with any one or more changes, you are not authorized to access or use the Services. If you do not agree to any one or more changes, do not access, or use the Services.

If you are entering this Agreement on behalf of any other person, business or entity, you represent to MSI that you have the full right and authority to bind that entity.

By agreeing to these Terms, You also agree to our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy describes how we collect and use information we gather via the Services.



1.1 For purposes of this Agreement, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings set forth below:

(a) “Access” or “access” means your access to the Services in accordance with MSI’s form of Subscription Agreement.

(b) “Active AUL” See definition of AUL

(c) “Active Contact” means each contact with a status listed as “active” in the audience section of an Your Meevo email marketing account at any point during the billing cycle. Contacts archived prior to the start of a new billing cycle will not be considered an Active Contact for that billing cycle. Each contact in an Email Marketing account will be deemed a unique Active Contact even if duplicated in other accounts.

(d) “Active Contact Maximum” means the total number of Active Contacts You are permitted per month indicated in Your Subscription or other Services Agreements before an Overage Fee applies.

(e) “Active Contact Pool Maximum” means the agreed maximum amount of Active Contacts allotted per month calculated across all Boarded AULs before an Overage Fee is required.

(f) “Active Contact Overage Fee” means the fee for Active Contacts exceeding the Active Contact Maximum allotted in your Subscription or other Services Agreements determined by the highest number of Active Contacts on any day during the applicable billing cycle.

(g) “Active Contact Pool Maximum” means the aggregate number of Active Contacts among all Boarded AULs (pooled together) before an Overage Fee is required. Active Contact Pool Maximums are applicable only to Recipient Pay Master SaaS Agreements (sometimes referred to as an MSA).

(h) “Active Status” or “Active AUL Status” see definition of AUL.

(i) “Additional Products” means any product or service that is not one of the Services (for example, if you purchase a Computer via MSI).

(j) “Additional Product Terms” means terms and conditions imposed by MSI in connection with Additional Products. Additional Product Terms must be in writing and are not enforceable absent MSI Consent.

(k) “Adjusted Fees” means increases or decreases to Fees.

(l) “Adjusted Fees Date” means the date Fees for Your Subscription will change (increase or decrease).

(m) “Affiliate” means any person or entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with you, that is permitted to receive the Services, including all business locations. For purposes of these Terms, Affiliate includes, by way of example, but not limitation, your employees, contractors, representatives, and end users.

(n) “Agreed Billing Date” means the date each month that MSI will invoice You (or Recipient), for the Services. Upon Direct Pay Authorization, the Agreed Billing Date for each AUL shall be the date each such AUL executes the Direct Pay Agreement.

(o) “Aggregated Data” means information (excluding PII) anonymized, gathered, derived or summarized by or through the operation of the Services, developed by or on MSI’s behalf.

(p) “API Daily Call Limit” means the number of API calls per Entitlement per Custom Application per AUL (or End User) before an Overage Fee is required.

(q) “API Overage Fee” means the fee for API calls exceeding the API Daily Call Limit calculated daily per Entitlement per Custom Application [per AUL (or End User)] during the applicable billing cycle and billed on the Billing Date.

(r) “Applicable Laws” means any law, rule, or regulation applicable to the Services, including, by way of example, but not limitation, PCI DISS, HIPAA, and data transmission and privacy laws including, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), and TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act).

(s) “Authorized User Location” or “AUL” means, for the purposes of MSI’s Master SaaS agreements, any current or former location of Recipient for which MSI must host, maintain, store, use, manipulate, process, control, report on, retain or otherwise handle data, or for which MSI incurs any costs for any reason (the foregoing activities are collectively referred to as “Data Activity”). AULs include, but are not limited to, physical (brick and mortar) locations, “virtual” or “cyber-locations” (i.e. e-commerce sites), sometimes referred to as “Tenant Locations” or “Parent Locations”, and further includes locations or other Meevo instances within such Locations, including, by way of example, but not limitation, entities, subtenants or other businesses, or other data repositories within such Tenant Location, each of which is a distinct and separate “AUL” for purposes of this Agreement (the foregoing sometimes hereafter referred to as “Child Locations” or Subtenant Locations”). All AULs with Data Activity are deemed either an “Active AUL” (with “Active AUL Status” or “Active Status”) or a “Dormant AUL” (with “Dormant AUL Status” or “Dormant Status”). An Active AUL is a location open for business. A Dormant AUL is not open for business, but still requires Data Activity. Any AUL that is not deemed to have Active Status or Dormant Status, is automatically deemed a Terminated AUL. All references to AUL and “Boarded AUL” shall mean to include one of the foregoing.

(t) “Boarding (Boarded AUL)” means the creation of a location’s instance within Meevo2.

(u) “Business Associate Agreement” or “BAA” means an agreement required pursuant to HIPAA between a “covered entity” and “business associate” (as such terms are defined by HIPAA) ensuring security of data assets and PHI (as hereinafter defined), where the business associate performs services, functions, or activities requiring access to PHI.

(v) “Cardholder Data” includes credit card numbers, expiration dates, billing addresses, and cardholder names (the foregoing is sometimes referred to as “Cardholder Data”).

(w) “Claims” include, by way of example, but not limitation, any action, litigation, or other claim by a third party arising directly or indirectly from: Your Breach (as defined herein), any personal injury or property damage resulting from Your negligence or willful misconduct, misuse of the Services, or use of the Services with other services, software, or programs incompatible with the Services, or otherwise contraindicated pursuant to the Documentation, or, any claim of libel, violation of privacy, unfair competition, or patent, copyright, trademark or other intellectual property infringement.

(x) “Client Information” means names, addresses, and related demographic information.

(y) “Computer” means an electronic device that accepts information in digital or similar form and manipulates it for a specific result based on a sequence of instructions.

(z) “Confidential Information” means all information disclosed by a party (the “Disclosing Party”) to the other party (the “Receiving Party”), whether orally or in writing, that is designated as confidential, including information that is marked or identified as confidential, and if not marked or identified as confidential, information that should reasonably have been understood by the Receiving Party to be proprietary and confidential because of legends or other markings, or given the nature of the information itself and circumstances of disclosure. Confidential Information includes, without limitation, information relating to products, services, technology, research, development, know-how, specifications, and concepts; as well as information of business and commercial nature, including, Your Data (as defined herein), MSI Data (as defined herein), Pre-Existing Materials (as defined herein), Documentation (as defined herein), information relating to the Services and Documentation, software and related source code and object code utilized in connection with the Services, information regarding software or cloud service plans, designs, costs, pricing, names, information regarding a party’s business opportunities, personnel, customers (including PII), affiliates, sales and marketing plans and strategies, inventories, new markets, new products, technical information, financial, tax, and related information, business plans, processes, patented information, customer lists and trade secrets unique to a party’s brand, and any other non-public or technical or business information and data. Confidential Information does not include information which: (i) now or hereafter, through no act or failure to act by the Receiving Party, becomes generally known or available to the public; (ii) is known to the Receiving Party prior to the time the Receiving Party received same from MSI as evidenced by written records; or (iii) the Receiving Party acquired from a third party as a matter of right and without restriction on disclosure.

(aa) “Content” means all templates and themes created by MSI, standard or otherwise, and text, graphics, user interfaces, visual interfaces, photographs, trademarks, logos, sounds, music, artwork, and computer code contained in or about the Services, including design, structure, selection, coordination, arrangement, expression, and its “look and feel”.

(bb) “Contract Year” means each twelve (12) month period during the Term, commencing on you Subscriptions or other Services Agreement Effective Date.

(cc) “Control” means you oversee direction and management policies, through ownership or other contractual arrangement. Any references in these Terms or any Services Agreements mean to include Affiliates;

(dd) “Custom Application” means any MSI approved application or service that accesses Meevo APIs.

(ee) “Data” (or “Your Data” or “End User Data”) means data, information, or other material submitted, collected, obtained, used in, stored, generated, or produced as the result of access to and use of the Services; including Client Information, Cardholder Data, and PII, and excluding Aggregated Data.

(ff) “Data Activity” See “Authorized User Location” or “AUL”.

(gg) “Direct Pay Agreement” means the agreement between MSI and each AUL that must be executed by each AUL and delivered to MSI to complete a Direct Pay Authorization.

(hh) “Custom Application” means any MSI approved application or service that accesses Meevo APIs.

(ii) "Direct Pay" and “Direct Pay Authorization” means MSI’s express authorization to receive payment of Fees directly from AULs as evidenced by MSI’s signature on a Direct Pay Rider and receipt of a Direct Pay Agreement duly executed by each AUL.

(jj) “Documentation” means all written, electronic and other materials supplied by MSI regarding the Services, including user manuals and/or training guides in connection with access, functionality, operation and features of the Services; technical specifications explaining and detailing the design, capabilities and performance standards for the Services; and any other writings or other materials provided by MSI for use in conjunction with the testing and use of the Services.

(kk) “Dormant AUL” See “Authorized User Location” or “AUL”.

(ll) “Dormant AUL Status” or “Dormant Status” See “Authorized User Location” or “AUL”.

(mm) “Due Date” means the date all Fees are due MSI for your Subscription or any Services Agreements.

(nn) “Effective Date” means the date that you sign the Subscription Agreement.

(oo) “Email Maximum” With respect to Direct Pay Authorization, “Email Maximum” means the agreed maximum amount of emails per month issued or received by an AUL before an Email Overage Fee is required.

(pp) “Email Overage Fee” with respect to Direct Pay Authorization, means the fee per email per AUL for all emails issued or received by an AUL in excess of the Email Maximum.

(qq) “Email Pool Maximum” with respect to Recipient Pay, means the agreed maximum amount of emails per month issued or received by all Boarded AULs before an Overage Fee is required.

(rr) “Email Pool Overage Fee” with respect to Recipient Pay, means the fee per email per AUL for all emails issued or received by all AULs in excess of the Email Pool Maximum.

(ss) “End User” means you, and/or the person or business that subscribes to the Services, including any persons, businesses, or Affiliates who access and uses the Services with you, through you, or for you.

(tt) “Enhancements” means additional, upgraded, modified or enhanced functionality to access to and/or use of the Services, made available as a Major Release as defined in these Terms.

(uu) “Entitlement” means the access to any Custom Application granted to You, an AUL, or any tenant or other location.

(vv) “Feedback” means your suggestions, enhancement requests, recommendations, proposals, correction or other feedback or information you provide regarding the Services or MSI's business.

(ww) “Fees” means the fees you pay MSI to access and use the Services and Third Party Services, located at https://www.meevo.com/pricing-terms.

(xx) “Force Majeure Event” means any foreseen or unforeseen act or event that: (i) prevents a party (the “Nonperforming Party”), in whole or in part, from (1) performing its obligations to the other party (the “Performing Party”); or (2) satisfying any conditions to the Performing Party’s obligations; (ii) is beyond the reasonable control of and not the fault of the Nonperforming Party; and (iii) the Nonperforming Party is unable to avoid or overcome the act or event by the exercise of due diligence. By way of example, but not limitation, Force Majeure Events include acts of God, acts of public enemies, acts of terror, acts of war, government, military actions, flood, fire, civil unrest or disturbance, strikes or other labor problems or difficulties, cyber-attacks, or malicious acts, including attacks on or through the Internet, floods, lightning, drought, earthquakes, fires, volcanic eruptions, landslides, hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, tornados, explosions, epidemics, famines or plagues, shipwrecks, shortages of raw material, strike or similar labor difficulty, compliance with order or rule of any court, governmental, or regulatory authority. A Force Majeure Event excludes economic hardship, changes in market conditions or insufficiency of funds.

(yy) “HIPAA” means the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act passed by Congress in 1996. Among other things, HIPAA imposed industry-wide standards for health care information on electronic billing and other processes and rules to protect PHI for IP Address.

(zz) “Indemnity” means a promise to hold another party harmless from harm and money damages that party incurs as a result of something you have done (or not done), or if that party is sued by a third party as a result of something you have done (or not done).

(aaa) “Individual User” means the individual person at each AUL authorized to use the Services.

(bbb) “IP Address” means a unique string of numbers that identifies a device on the internet or a local network that allows a system to be recognized by other systems connected via internet protocol.

(ccc) “Liabilities” means claims, losses, liabilities, obligations, damages, penalties, judgments, suits, costs, expenses or disbursements of any kind including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses.

(ddd) “Maintenance Services” means MSI’s standard maintenance services available to you when you subscribe to the Services set forth in Section 18

(eee) “Marketing Services” means email and other marketing services MSI offers to you in connection with the Services, either directly, or by Third Party Service Providers, which Marketing Services are subject to separate and additional fees. Certain additional MSI terms and conditions regarding Marketing Services may also be set forth in the Subscription Agreement, and terms and conditions regarding Marketing Services offered by Third Party Vendors are set forth in said Third Party Service Providers’ terms of use. See provisions regarding Third Party Services, herein.

(fff) “MeevoPay” are products and services that MSI offers to You in connection with the Services that are sold by MSI and that relate to the processing of credit or debit card transactions. MeevoPay services are subject to separate and additional fees. Certain additional terms and conditions regarding MeevoPay may also be set forth in the Subscription Agreement.

(ggg) “MeevoPay Terms and Conditions” means the terms and conditions applicable to use of MeevoPay, which terms and conditions are located at https://www.meevo.com/terms-of-service/meevopay

(hhh) “Minimum Commitments” means the number of Boarded AULs required in a Master SaaS for the Term to commence.

(iii) “MSI Account” means the account that uniquely identifies you in connection with your access to and use of the Services.

(jjj) “MSI Consent” means the express and specific prior written consent of a duly authorized representative of MSI, duly authorized to bind MSI.

(kkk) “MSI Data” means: (i) “Pre-existing Materials” (as defined herein); (ii) Aggregated Data (as defined herein); (iii) information and data collected through applications supported by Meevo (excluding Your Data); and (iv) any information collected by MSI independently without use of any of Your Data.

(lll) “MSI IP” means MSI's proprietary and intellectual property, including MSI's proprietary and intellectual property rights in and to the Services, including, without limitation, source code, object code, trade secrets, copyrights, trademarks, patents, functionality and business methodology embodied therein and the like, including any source code, object code, or other intellectual property developed by MSI relating to the Services that is not IP owned by an End User.

(mmm) “Necessary Consents” means any and all prior consents, approvals, or other authorizations or notices required to be obtained prior to access and use of User Data in accordance with Applicable Law, including all applicable privacy laws (for example, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), and TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act).

(nnn) “Order Form” or “Order” means the document (written or electronic) prepared by MSI in the form of an order, quote, proposal, invoice, or other format, that specifies the Services you subscribe to, the fees for the Services, and other salient information in connection with your Subscription. The Order is attached to and part of the Subscription Agreement.

(ooo) “Overage Fees” means additional fees due to MSI for use of any service in excess of the agreed maximum usage for such service (for example, for SMS or Marketing Contacts exceeding the agreed maximum usage).

(ppp) “PCI DSS” (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) means information security standards mandated by the major credit card brands and administered by the Payment Card Industry Security Council, developed to increase controls regarding cardholder data, and ensure compliance and secure environments by businesses that accept, process, store, or transmit credit card information, detailed at www.pcisecuritystandards.org/, as may be updated from time to time.

(qqq) “PHI” means personal health information pursuant to HIPAA and applicable rules and regulations, broadly interpreted to include information about (or linked to) an individual’s health, health status, health care, medical record, or payment for health care.

(rrr) “PII” means personally identifiable information collected, obtained, used in, stored, generated, or produced as the result of use of the Services, that may specifically identify an individual, distinguish one individual from another, contact, or locate an individual, or identify an individual in context, including personal health information, social security numbers or other government issued numbers, dates of birth, addresses, telephone numbers, maiden names, email addresses, credit card information, or a person’s name in combination with any other of the foregoing elements.

(sss) “Pre-existing Materials” means proprietary software, services (including cloud services), source code, object code, and related processes, instructions, methods, and techniques that have been previously developed by MSI, excluding Your Data.

(ttt) “Pre-Release Services” means services offered by MSI that have not yet been released to the general public.

(uuu) “Pre-Release Terms and Conditions” means the additional terms and conditions governing your use of and access to Pre-Release Services, located at www.meevo.com/pre-release-agreement. These Terms and Conditions are incorporated by this reference into the Pre-Release Terms and Conditions, as if fully set forth in said Pre-Release Terms and Conditions.

(vvv) "Privacy Policy" means MSI's statement explaining how it uses and does not use personal information it collects from its users (for example, emails and phone numbers), located at: www.meevo.com/privacy.

(www) "Professional Services" means project management, custom development and other services provided by MSI, which Professional Services are outside the scope of these Terms and subject to separate agreements and fees.

(xxx) "Project Contact" is a party you appoint who will be the primary coordinator and central point of contact for MSI.

(yyy) "Recipient" means the party to MSI’s Master SaaS agreement that is accessing and using the Services. Recipient includes Authorized User Locations, Individual Users, Affiliates, and/or any person or entity that is permitted to access and/or use the Services by, through, or with Recipient. If Recipient is entering MSI’s Master SaaS agreement on behalf of any other person, business or entity, references to “Recipient” in such Master SaaS or in any Services Agreement includes said business or entity.

(zzz) "Promotional Item" means any promotional item or other benefit offered by MSI (either directly or via a Third Party Service Provider).

(aaaa) "Recipient Pay” or “Recipient Pay Authorization" means Recipient is solely responsible for payment of AUL fees (e.g. not Direct Pay) pursuant to the Master SaaS entered into between such Recipient and MSI.

(bbbb) "Recipient’s Data" means (i) data, information, material submitted, collected, obtained, used in, stored, generated, or produced as the result of Recipient’s and AUL’s access to and use of the Services; and (ii) PII, including Cardholder Data. Recipient’s Data excludes Aggregated Data.

(cccc) “Required Notices” means any and all prior, simultaneous, or future notices required to be delivered in connection with access to or use of User Data pursuant to Applicable Law.

(dddd) “Schedules” means the schedules and exhibits attached to any Services Agreements, which are incorporated into such agreement by reference, as same may be modified from time to time by mutual agreement of the parties.

(eeee) “Service Levels” means the level of services (including support and maintenance services) MSI will provide to you, based upon the Meevo edition you choose to subscribe to. Service Levels are set forth in the Service Level Agreement (as defined herein).

(ffff) “Service Level Agreement” (or “SLA”) is the agreement between you and MSI that describes the levels of service MSI will provide to you, depending upon the edition of Meevo you choose to subscribe to. The SLA is set forth in Section 17 of these Terms.

(gggg) “Services” means MSI's "Software as a Service" (SaaS) and any other MSI cloud products or services including but not limited to MSI’s MeevoPay, Pre-Release Services, MSI’s SMS Messaging Service, Meevo MSI Engage, MSI Apps, and related services (including Technical Support Services) that support the availability, function, and performance of Meevo in accordance with the specifications set forth in the Documentation. Services include "updates," but exclude "upgrades." "Updates" generally include enhancements, patches or small fixes that resolve specific issues. Updates are generally released quarterly and will include both patches released from the last update, as well as enhancements. "Upgrades" means new modules or add-ons that substantially enhance the service offering of Meevo, impact the version of the application, and are generally subject to additional costs. All patches and updates are cumulative, and can only be excepted in sequence for deployment. Services do not include Professional Services (as defined herein).

(hhhh) “Services Agreements” means these Terms and Conditions, the Subscription Agreement, (including the Order Form), SLA, Master SaaS and any other agreement or terms and conditions governing your access to and use of the Services or services related to the Services (including, by way of example, but not limitation, MSI’s Privacy Policy, MSI’s terms and conditions regarding Pre-Release Services). These Terms of Service are deemed incorporated by reference into each of the Services Agreements as if fully set forth in each of the Services Agreements. The term “Services Agreements” excludes agreements and terms and conditions imposed by Third Party Service Providers in connection with Third Party Services.

(iiii) “SMS Text Messaging Services” means SMS text messaging and related services MSI offers to you in connection with the Services, either directly, or by Third Party Service Providers, which SMS Text Messaging Services are subject to separate and additional fees. Certain additional terms and conditions regarding SMS Text Messaging Services offered directly by MSI may also be set forth in the Subscription Agreement, and terms and conditions regarding SMS Text Messaging Services offered by Third Party Service Providers are set forth in the Subscription Agreement via URL links to said Third Party Service Providers’ terms of use, which links to such Third Party Service Providers may also be provided under separate cover.

(jjjj) “SMS Overage Fee” See Text Overage Fee.

(kkkk) “Subscriber” or (“subscriber”) means either the party authorizing the Subscription on behalf of the subscriber or end user, or the entity that is a party to the Subscription Agreement.

(llll) “Subscription” means the non-exclusive, non-transferable, non- revocable and limited right to access, use, and “subscribe” to the Services in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, the Subscription Agreement, and other Services Agreements.

(mmmm) "Subscription Agreement" is the separate agreement required to grant the right to subscribe to the Services, that contains the Order Form and specific terms of your subscription to the Services.

(nnnn) "Support and Maintenance Services" means MSI’s technical support and maintenance services available to You when You subscribe to the Services, which terms are located at https://www.meevo.com/terms-of-service#support and technical support terms as set-forth in https://www.meevo.com/technical-support-terms. Levels of support and maintenance services are based upon Recipient’s chosen support package.

(oooo) “Taxes” means all taxes, levies, duties, or similar governmental assessments of any kind or nature, including, by way of example, sales, use, or withholding taxes.

(pppp) "Term" means the period of time in which you are authorized to subscribe to the Services, beginning on the Effective Date, and ending on the date either you or MSI terminates Subscription Agreement.

(qqqq) "Terminated AUL" See definition of “Authorized User Location” or “AUL”.

(rrrr) "Text Message Maximum" means the agreed maximum amount of text messages per month issued or received by You (or, in the case of a Master SaaS agreement, per AUL) before a Text Overage Fee is required.

(ssss) "Text Overage Fee" means the fee for all text messages issued and received in excess of the Text Message Maximum.

(tttt) "Text Pool Maximum" means the agreed maximum amount of text messages per month issued or received by all Boarded AULs before an Overage Fee is required.

(uuuu) "Text Pool Monthly Fee" means the fee for all text messages issued and received by all Boarded AULs up to the Text Pool Maximum.

(vvvv) "Text Pool Overage Fee" means the fee per text per AUL for all texts issued or received by all AULs in excess of the Text Pool Maximum.

(wwww) “Third Party Services” means certain additional services MSI agrees may be offered by Third Party Service Vendors that support or enhance the functionality of the Services (for example, payment processors), and for which you contract separately, subject to separate terms, conditions, and fees.

(xxxx) “Third Party Service Vendors” or "Third Party Service Providers" means companies that deliver Third Party Services.

(yyyy) "Use" or "using" means to access, use, or otherwise benefit from using the functionality of the Services, and includes use by you, or any permitted Affiliates.

(zzzz) "You" ("you") means the recipient of the Services (sometimes referred to as “recipient” or “Recipient”) or subscriber accessing and using the Services, including Affiliates. For purposes of these Terms, “you” means you the subscriber accessing and using the Services, any end user of the Services by or through you, and/or anyone that accesses the Services by, through, or with you, including your Affiliates. If you are entering this Agreement on behalf of any other person, business or entity, references to “you” in these Terms or in any Services Agreement includes said business or entity. In some agreements, “Recipient” also means You.

(aaaaa) "Your Breach" means your breach, violation or non-compliance with any term or condition of these Terms or any Services Agreement (as defined herein).

(bbbbb) "Your Data" See “Data”.

(ccccc) "Your Marks" means Your business name(s), trademarks, copyrights, service marks or logos.



2.1 Subscription to Access and Use the Services.

Subject to your compliance with these Terms and the other Services Agreements, MSI hereby grants you a non-assignable, limited privilege to subscribe to the Services during the Term. Specific terms and conditions regarding your subscription to the Services are set forth herein and in the Service Level Agreement.

(a) You understand and agree that your right to access and use the Services is conditioned upon your compliance with these Terms, the Services Agreements, and any other agreement between you and MSI. Your compliance includes, but is not limited to, maintaining your account with MSI in good standing, timely payment of any fees due MSI, and compliance with Applicable Law, and laws applicable to your specific industry.

(b) You are subscribing to certain Services. This means you have the right to access and use certain Services, but you do not own the Services, which are and remain MSI’s sole property. MSI reserves all rights that are not expressly granted to you in these Terms. MSI is the beneficiary of these Terms and the Services Agreements, with the right to rely on and directly enforce the terms herein.

(c) Your MSI Account is your responsibility. You are responsible for compliance by your employees, contractors, applicable law, and laws including privacy laws and laws regarding data and personal information.

(d) If your MSI is no longer in good standing as a result of non-payment or habitual late payment, or if you violate any of these Terms, in addition to its other remedies, MSI, at its election, may suspend your account, revoke these Terms, and terminate your right to use the Services.

(e) You agree to provide MSI with complete, accurate, and updated information regarding your MSI Account, including your legal company name, street address, e-mail address, phone and facsimile number, and such other contact information and other information as MSI may reasonably request. You agree to promptly notify MSI in writing of any changes regarding your MSI account.

(f) You are responsible for all hardware, telecommunications, internet, and other services required for use of the Services, except as may be otherwise forth in an Order or Subscription Agreement.

(g) MSI may, at any time, change modify, update, upgrade, or discontinue the Services, or any one or more components, features, or functions of the Services.

(h) You will be liable to MSI for its damages, including its reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from your unauthorized use or transfer of the Services or your breach of these Terms.

2.2 Changes to these Terms; Additional Terms.

MSI may change or update these Terms at any time (“Modified Terms”). Modified Terms will be published on MSI’s website (www.meevo.com) and/or via other electronic communication to MSI End Users. Modified Terms are effective when published on MSI’s website. Each time you access the Services, you reaffirm your acceptance of these Terms and any Modified Terms. It is your responsibility to read any Modified Terms. If you do not agree with the Modified Terms, your only remedy is not to access the Services and immediately notify MSI in writing that you wish to terminate your Subscription. In some circumstances, MSI may determine that your access to and use of the Services may be subject to certain additional terms and conditions (“Additional Terms”). Additional Terms will be set forth in an Order, Subscription Agreement or other separate written agreement between you and MSI. To the extent any such Additional Terms are inconsistent with or conflict with these Terms, the Additional Terms will control. No Additional Terms will be enforceable absent MSI Consent.

2.3 Privacy Policy.

MSI’ Privacy Policy applies to your access to and use of the Services, and its terms are incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. You acknowledge and understand that there is no guaranty of privacy with the internet, and online transmissions are never completely secure. You understand that any message or other information you send to or via the Services may be read or intercepted by others, even if there is a special notice that a particular transmission (for example, credit card information) is encrypted.

2.4 Service Levels; SLA.

MSI will deliver the Services (including uptime and related requirements) in accordance with the MSI's Service Level Agreement set forth in Section 17 of these Terms.

2.5 Control and Location of Services.

MSI controls, manages, and supervises method and means of providing the Services.

2.6 Data Management and Data Security. Disaster Recovery.

MSI will maintain industry standard administrative, technical, and organizational safeguards and security measures to transfer, store, and process your Data. These measures are designed to protect the integrity of your Data, and guard against the unauthorized or unlawful access to, use, and processing of your Data. MSI will maintain PCI DSS compliance for the components of the Services that store Cardholder Data. Data Management and Data Security and Disaster Recovery Terms are more particularly set-forth in Section 18 of these Terms.

2.7 Account Monitoring.

To ensure compliance with these Terms and to determine any unauthorized access or use of the Services, MSI may from time to time, monitor your access to and use of the Services via the internet to a secure server. Only information that distinguishes your business as a unique entity including your business name, customer identification number and IP Address will be transmitted for this purpose. No sales, financial, or other information, confidential or otherwise, will be transmitted to this server.

2.8 Ownership of IP and Data.

Except with respect to Your Data which remains your property as between you and MSI, MSI specifically retains all right, title and interest in and to all proprietary and intellectual property rights in and to the Services, including without limitation, source code, object code, trade secrets, copyrights, trademarks, patents, functionality and business methodology embodied therein, and the like, photos or other images incorporated into the Services, and further including any source code, object code, or other intellectual property developed by MSI relating to, or in connection with your access or use, or its delivery of the Services. All rights not expressly granted to you in these Terms are specifically reserved by MSI.

2.9 Prohibitions on Use.

You understand and agree to the following "Prohibitions on Use" of the Services:

(a) YOU MAY NOT USE, COPY, MODIFY, OR TRANSFER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE SERVICES OR THE DOCUMENTATION. MSI permits you to access and use the Services only in accordance with these Terms and the applicable Services Agreements. To the extent that the Services may be used to reproduce data or reports, and similar materials, you understand and agree that your access and use is limited to reproduction of said materials solely for your use in your business. You understand and agree that the Services may not be shared, installed, or used concurrently on different Computers without MSI's Consent, and that a separate Subscription Agreement is required for each location the Services are accessed and used. If you are uncertain about your right to copy or permit access to the Services or to any material, you should contact an attorney.

(b) You shall not, and shall use best efforts to ensure any person or entity that accesses the Services does not: (i) make the Services or the Documentation publicly available or grant Access to the Services or the Documentation in any manner not explicitly authorized herein; (ii) copy, adapt, analyze, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, modify, translate (or the like) the Services or the Documentation; (iii) remove or transfer Access to the Services without MSI's Consent and the termination or transfer of the applicable Subscription Agreement or, where necessary, the execution of a new Subscription Agreement; (iv) transmit by any media, copy, or otherwise permanently or temporarily reproduce, in whole or in part, the Services or the Documentation; or (v) re-use, distribute, or permit use or re-use of the Services by any third party.

(c) You will not (i) use the Services or refer to MSI directly or indirectly in any written or electronic communications, articles, advertisements, sales presentations, news releases or releases of any kind or nature to any third party absent MSI's Consent; (ii) you will access and use the Services in a single location, and only through the interfaces and protocols provided by or authorized by MSI; (iii) you agree to exercise reasonable efforts to prevent and protect the Services and the Documentation from unauthorized disclosure or use by any third parties; and (iv) if you learn of any unauthorized use or disclosure of the Services, you will promptly notify MSI in writing.

(d) You may not by any means, methodology or process, access, acquire, copy or monitor any portion of the Services or any Content, or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Services or any Content, to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents or information through any means not purposely made available through the Services.

(e) You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion or feature of the Services, or any other systems or networks connected to the Services or to any MSI server, or to any of the services offered on or through the Services, by hacking, password "mining" or any other illegitimate means.

(f) You may not probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Services or any network connected to the Services, or breach the security or authentication measures on the Services or any network connected to the Services. You may not reverse look-up, trace or seek to trace any information on any other user of or visitor to the Services, or any other customer of MSI, including any MSI account, or any account that is not your account, to its source, or exploit the Services or any service or information made available or offered by or through the Services, in any way where the purpose is to reveal any information, including, but not limited to PII (excluding your personal information).

(g) You will not engage in any activity that may interfere with the proper working of the Services or any transaction being conducted via the Services, or with any other person's or entity's use of the Services.

(h) You may not by any means, methodology or process, disguise the origin of any message or transmittal you send to MSI on or through the Services or any service offered on or through the Services, or pretend that you are, or that you represent, someone else, or impersonate any other individual or entity.

(i) You understand that you may not use the Services or any Content for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms, Applicable Law, or laws applicable to your specific industry, or to solicit the performance of any illegal activity or other activity which infringes the rights of MSI or others.

(j) You will not authorize or assist any third party to engage in any of the foregoing restricted acts.

2.10 Delivery of Services; Suspension.

MSI will deliver the Services in accordance with these Terms, and the applicable Services Agreements, and subject to the following terms and conditions.

(a) MSI may, from time to time, temporarily suspend your access to the Services for scheduled maintenance or emergencies pursuant to the Maintenance Services as set forth in Section 19 of these Terms.

(b) MSI reserves the right to suspend Services in whole or in part: (i) during planned downtime as provided in the SLA; (ii) upon a Force Majeure Event; (iii) if MSI reasonably believes any malicious software, cloud, or other service is being used in connection with Your account; (iv) for other good and valid reasons, in our discretion.

(c) MSI reserves the right to change, suspend or discontinue any features, components or functions of the Services at any time. MSI will notify you if MSI makes any material changes to the Services.

(d) Anything in these Terms or the Services Documents to the contrary notwithstanding, MSI has no obligation to update or enhance any Services or to produce or release new versions of the Services.

(e) You will access and use the Services in a single location, and only through the interfaces and protocols provided by or authorized by MSI. You agree to exercise reasonable efforts to prevent and protect the Services and the Documentation from unauthorized disclosure or use by any third parties, and if you learn of any unauthorized use or disclosure, you agree to promptly notify MSI in writing.

2.11 Updates.

These Terms apply to any and all updates or upgrades to the Services, together with any other additional terms and conditions MSI may impose in connection with such updates or upgrades. In order to access and use an Update, you must possess a valid Subscription to the previous version. By accessing and using an updated version of Meevo, you are agreeing to any applicable Modified Terms related to such updated version.

2.12 Feedback License Grant to MSI.

You hereby grant to MSI a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, sublicensable, royalty-free right, license, and subscription to: (i) modify, copy, distribute and incorporate into the Services (without attribution of any kind) any Feedback; and (ii) to use Your Marks in connection with providing the Services and for marketing and promotional purposes in connection with MSI’s business. MSI agrees that any use by MSI of any of Your Marks will be limited to the foregoing purpose and be used only in a positive light.

2.13 Support and Maintenance Services.

Your subscription to the Services includes MSI’s standard Support and Maintenance Services as set-forth in Section 20 of these Terms.

2.14 Pre-Release Services.

From time to time, MSI may offer you the opportunity to access and use Pre-Release Services before they are released to the general public. You understand and agree that your access to and use of the Pre-Release Services means you agree that such Services are provided to you, and you accept such Services “AS IS WHERE IS” with no representations or warranties of any kind or nature, and that MSI is not responsible or liable to you or any third party for any damages you may incur as a result of your access to or use of the Pre-Release Services. Terms and conditions regarding Pre-Release Services are located at here

2.15 Third Party Services.

MSI provides and offers Third Party Services (including, without limitation, products or services that integrate with MSI’s Services) as a convenience to you, and to enhance your use of MSI’s Services. Whether a Third-Party Service is already included with your Meevo Subscription, or is provided with newer versions, or, you acquire the Third Party Service via MSI’s Integrations at (www.meevo.com/meevo/integrations), you understand and agree that it is your responsibility to review each such Third Party Service Provider’s terms of service prior to entering into an agreement with, or accessing or using such Third-Party Services, and that you are obligated to comply with all such terms of service. MSI is not responsible for and does not endorse the content of any Third-Party Services, including any information or materials contained in or about such Third-Party Services. Third-Party Services are not subject to any of the promises, representations, warranties, service level commitments or other MSI obligations set forth in these Terms or any Services Agreements. Your contractual relationship is directly with such Third-Party Service Provider. MSI’s offering you Third Party Services does not mean MSI has any affiliation with the Third Party-Service Provider other than an agreement to offer the Third Party Services to you. MSI may receive consideration from Third Party Service Vendors. MSI is not obligated to monitor or maintain Third-Party Services, and may temporarily or permanently suspend such Services at any time. When you agree to acquire, access, and/or use Third-Party Services, you are expressly permitting MSI to deliver or grant access to Your Data or other Confidential Information to such Third Party Service Provider as required to enable your access to and use of such Third Party Services. Your access to and use of Third-Party Services is at your own risk, and subject to the terms and conditions (including privacy policies) of such Third- Party Service Providers. For more detail and information regarding Third Party Service Providers, integrated with your subscription please review the following:

Meevo Marketing Suite
Meevo Email Marketing - www.meevo.com/terms-of-service/email
Meevo Online Presence Management - www.meevo.com/terms-of-service/reputation
Meevo SMS Messaging - www.meevo.com/terms-of-service/text

2.16 Your Work Performed at Your Risk.

You acknowledge that the Services (including, but not limited to the Pre-Release Services") may contain bugs, errors, and other problems that could cause system or other failures and data loss. Accordingly, you acknowledge that any work you perform with the Services or any product associated with the Services is done entirely at your own risk, and MSI is not responsible for any losses or data damage resulting from your use of the Services.

2.17 Incorporation by Reference of Services Agreements.

Anything in these Terms or any Services Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, absent MSI Consent, these Terms are incorporated to each of the Services Agreements as if fully set forth in each such Agreement. To the extent there is any inconsistency, conflict or ambiguity between these terms and any such Services Agreement, absent MSI Consent to the contrary, the terms of the applicable Services Agreement shall govern.

2.18 Direct or Indirect Acts.

Any references to any actions or restrictions imposed upon you pursuant to these Terms, shall mean to include your direct or indirect acts.

2.19 Education and Training Services.

Your subscription to the Services includes MSI’s Education and Training Services set forth in Section 21 of these Terms.



3.1 Term.

The Term is an Annual Commitment and begins on the Effective Date on the Order Form. The Annual Commitment can be paid in full, in advance for the 12 months. In addition, the Annual Commitment can be paid monthly in equal installments. There is not a month-to-month term unless the Order Form expressly offers it.

3.2 Termination.

(a) You may terminate your Subscription by completing MSI’s then current form of termination notice. Your Subscription will terminate upon thirty (30) days from the date MSI receives a fully executed form of such termination notice. If your billing date occurs during the foregoing thirty (30) day termination period, you are obligated to pay MSI all applicable fees and other costs due MSI for the billing period following said billing date.

(b) MSI may terminate Your Subscription upon 30 (thirty) days written notice.

(c) MSI may suspend or terminate your Subscription in accordance with the Subscription Agreement if you fail to make any payment of fees as and when due pursuant to these Terms or any Services Agreement. Non-payment is a material breach of these Terms and the other Services Agreements.

(d) If you breach or otherwise violate these Terms, or any term in any Services Agreement, MSI may immediately terminate your Subscription and all access to the Services.

(e) MSI has the right to cancel your subscription and immediately suspend or terminate the Services (or any component of the Services) at any time and without notice, if: (i) we detect harmful or illegal activity under your Account; (ii) we reasonably believe that any activity or use of Services in connection with your Account violates these Terms or any Services Agreement, the intellectual property rights of any third party or any Applicable Law; (iii) we determine in our sole discretion, that Your conduct or other activity is disruptive or harmful to MSI or any third party; or (iv) we are required to do so by law or order of a court or agency of competent jurisdiction.

3.3 Effect of Termination.

Your Subscription and right to access and use the Services automatically terminates if you fail to comply with any one or more of these Terms, or any material term of any Services Agreement. Termination of your Subscription in no way relieves you of any obligation to pay fees to MSI when due. Upon termination of your Subscription for any reason, you no longer have any right to access or use the Services, however, your monetary and non-monetary obligations in connection with the Services and indemnification for Your Breach survive termination. Upon termination of your Subscription for any reason: (i) you must immediately pay all unpaid fees to MSI; (ii) all Orders and other Services Agreements (including Support and Maintenance Services) automatically terminate and are null and void and of no force or effect; (iii) your right to Access, use and otherwise to subscribe to the Services cease and you must cease accessing and/or using the Services; (iv) except as otherwise set forth in these Terms, MSI has no obligation to maintain your MSI Account or to retain or forward any Data to you or any third party, unless and except as required by Applicable Law.

(a) Termination of Services will disrupt your access to Third-Party Services related to the Services, however, You understand and agree that it is Your responsibility to terminate any Third Party Services’ agreements directly with such Third-Party Service Provider.

3.4 Transition Services; Final Export.

Provided that you are not in breach of these Terms or any Services Agreement, and further provided all unpaid fees due MSI are satisfied, upon termination, subject to the terms and conditions below regarding Final Export, MSI will provide transition services for a period of up to thirty (30) days from the termination date (“Transition Period”) provided you agree to pay MSI’s then current Professional Service Fees for such transition services (also referred to as “Transition Fees”). Transition Fees will be charged at the same rates as during the Term. During the Transition Period, you may continue to access and use the Services in accordance with these Terms and the Services Agreements, for the agreed specified and limited purpose of effecting an efficient transition from use of the Services. Similarly, during the Transition Period, MSI will continue to provide Support and Maintenance services.

(a) Provided you: (i) have complied with your obligation to provide MSI with thirty (30) days notice of termination; (ii) are not in uncured breach of this Agreement or any other Services Agreement; and (iii) agree to pay the applicable Transition Fees, you may submit a written request for a final export of Client Information during the Transition Period (“Final Export Request” and “Final Export”), which Final Export shall be subject to MSI’s then current export fees (“Final Export Fees”). Upon your payment of Final Export Fees, MSI will conduct one (1) final export of your Client Information. If you fail or refuse to pay all Fees, including Final Export Fees, you understand and agree that MSI will have no further obligations to retain, maintain, or deliver your Client Information or Data.

3.5 Effect of the Sale or Transfer of Your Business.

If you sell or otherwise transfer your business or transfer control of your business to a third party (the “Business Transfer” and the “Transferee” respectively), The Transferee must sign MSI’s Subscription Agreement and Order Form whether or not the transfer includes the transfer of Your Data. Further, if such Business Transfer includes the transfer of Your Data to the Transferee, you understand and agree that the Services are not transferable and cannot be a part of any such Business Transfer for any reason unless Fourteen (14) days prior to the consummation of such Business Transfer, You and the Transferee execute and deliver to MSI, MSI’s standard form of “Assignment and Assumption of MSI Tenant Data and Consent to Assignment Agreement” (or MSI’s then current form for such purpose), and provide such other information as MSI may reasonably request. Any attempted transfer in violation of the foregoing is a material breach of the Terms, and is null and void and of no effect.



4.1 Fees.

Fees, as defined herein, for the Meevo version you choose will be specified in the applicable Order Form.

4.2 Transition Fees.

The Transition Fees are due and payable as required herein.

4.3 Fee Increases.

MSI shall provide at least thirty (30) days’ notice of any Fee increases, provided said Fee increases are greater than 6% per annum. Otherwise, MSI in its sole discretion may increase Fees up to 6% per annum without notice. MSI may increase any Fees not specified in an applicable Order or other Service Agreement without notice.

4.4 Fees are Your Responsibility.

You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for any and all Fees for your Subscription and all related services (including Support and Maintenance, and any other fees), and that MSI is not required to, and shall not look to any third party for payment of any fees.

4.5 Payment Terms.

All payment obligations for your Subscription are non-cancelable and all fees paid are non-refundable. You agree to provide MSI with valid and current, updated credit card information, or such other form of payment permitted by MSI ("Payment Information"). If you present credit card information, you represent to MSI that you are duly authorized to use such credit card, and authorize MSI to charge the card for all fees due to MSI. When you submit Payment Information, you authorize MSI to use such Information and/or to provide such Information to third parties, for purposes of facilitating or processing payment. You agree that you will verify any Payment Information or other information MSI requests, for purposes of processing payment to MSI. Any amounts not received by the applicable due date may accrue late interest at the greater of one and one-half (1.5%) percent of the outstanding balance per month, or the maximum interest permitted by applicable law, plus MSI’s costs of collection (including MSI’s reasonable attorney’s fees).

4.6 Payment Processing.

You agree to provide MSI with current, accurate, complete contact and billing information, including your name, address, telephone number, email address, and applicable payment information, including valid and current, updated credit card information, or such other form of payment permitted by MSI. You agree to update all such information as necessary to enable MSI to process your payments, via MeevoPay or otherwise, when due. Terms and conditions applicable to use of MeevoPay, are located at https://www.meevo.com/terms-of-service/meevopay. If you present credit card information, you represent to MSI that you are duly authorized to use such credit card, and authorize MSI to charge the card for all fees due to MSI. When you submit payment information, you authorize MSI to use such Information and/or to provide that information to third parties for purposes of facilitating or processing payment. You agree that you will verify any payment information or other information MSI requests, for purposes of processing payment to MSI. MSI will endeavor to process your payments properly and in a timely manner, but is not responsible if MSI is unable to completely process any payment in whole or in part as a result of any one or more of the following circumstances: (1) Your payment account does not contain sufficient funds to complete the transaction, the transaction would exceed the credit limit of your credit card, or your payment account or credit card does not otherwise permit the transaction to be consummated; (2) You have not provided MSI with accurate account information to process your payment accurately; or (3) Circumstances beyond MSI’s reasonable control, including but not limited to fire, flood, acts of war, terrorism or other interference from an outside force, prevent proper processing of the transaction.

4.7 Payment Errors.

If you believe an MSI invoice has been issued in error, you must provide MSI with written notice detailing the MSI error and disputed amount ("Dispute Notice") within thirty (30) days after the invoice date. If MSI does not receive the Dispute Notice within such thirty (30) day period, you will be deemed to have accepted such invoice. A Dispute Notice does not relieve you of your obligation to pay the amount in dispute. If MSI, in its good faith, reasonable discretion, determines the invoice was issued in error, MSI will refund the disputed amount, or, at its election, apply the disputed amount as credit towards future Fees.

4.8 Overdue Payments; Collection.

MSI reserves the right to collect any overdue fees or fee balances at any time. If MSI initiates any collection or other action(s), (including attorney letters or other communications) in an effort to collect unpaid fees or to enforce other rights under any Services Agreement or other agreement between you and MSI, then, in addition to other damages, you are also responsible for all fees and costs incurred by MSI associated with such collection efforts (including reasonable attorneys’ and other legal fees and costs of collection).

4.9 Cessation of Services upon Default.

If any Fees or other amounts due from you to MSI remain unpaid for thirty (30) days after MSI notifies you of overdue payment, in addition to its other legal remedies, MSI reserves the right to suspend or cease delivery of all Services to you. Should MSI suspend or cease delivery of Services to you, you will not be able to use any Services, including Third-Party Services. For more detail and information about your obligations and effect of termination on Your Services, including Third-Party Services, please review the termination provision in these Terms.

4.10 Additional Products.

To the extent applicable, absent MSI Consent to the contrary, these Fee and payment terms, together with any Additional Product Terms, are applicable to any Additional Products.



5.1 Your Representations and Warranties.

You represent and warrant as follows:

(a) You have full authority and all necessary rights to execute and deliver this Agreement and the Services Agreements and to perform your obligations herein and therein;

(b) These Terms, together with the other Services Agreements, when executed and delivered, are your valid and binding obligations, enforceable in accordance with their terms;

(c) The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the Services Agreements have been duly authorized, and constitute your legal, valid, and binding agreement, enforceable against you in accordance with their terms;

(d) You will comply with your obligations pursuant to these Terms, the Services Agreements, and with all applicable federal, state, local, international, or other laws and regulations applicable to the performance of your obligations under these Terms and the Services Agreements;

(e) You will respond to MSI's reasonable requests for information and other communications promptly and with reasonably sufficient detail;

(f) You will pay all Fees when due in accordance with these Terms or any Services Agreement;

(g) You will not duplicate, transfer, copy, or grant access to the Services or any component(s) thereof except in accordance with this Agreement;

(h) You will only access and use the Services for your own internal business use and not for the benefit of any other person or entity other than permitted Affiliates;

(i) You will not adapt, modify or reverse engineer the Services in any way, or use them to create source code or a derivative work;

(j) You will exercise best efforts to monitor and enforce your employees', contractors', and Affiliates' compliance with these Terms and the Services Agreements, and to support and assist MSI with resolving any disputes and/or pursuing any claims and/or indemnities for any losses or damages arising from a breach of any Services Agreement;

(k) You will not: (i) submit to MSI material that is infringing, obscene, defamatory, threatening, or otherwise unlawful or tortious, including any material that violates any third party intellectual property, privacy, or other rights or Applicable Law; (ii) disrupt or otherwise interrupt or interfere with the Services, or any components or data contained in the Services; (iii) access or use, or try to access or use the Services in any manner not permitted by these Terms; (iv) post, transmit or otherwise make available through or in connection with the Services any virus, worm, Trojan horse, Easter egg, time bomb, spyware or other harmful computer code, files, scripts agents or programs; (v) restrict or inhibit any other person or entity from using the Services; (vi) remove any MSI copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notice from the Services; (vii) frame or mirror any portion of the Services, or otherwise incorporate any portion of the Services into any product or service; (viii) systematically download and store any MSI IP; or (ix) use any robot, spider, software, service, search/retrieval application or other manual or automatic device to retrieve, index, "scrape," "data mine" or otherwise gather MSI IP, or reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Services;

(i) You represent to MSI that you are not subject to any United States trade restrictions or sanctions, and promise to comply with any applicable export control laws, restrictions, and regulations of the US Department of Commerce, the US Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control, or other United States or foreign agency or authority ("Export Laws"). You promise that you will not use the Services to export, or allow any export or re-export in violation of any such Laws. You represent to MSI that you are not a prohibited party or located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any restricted country, and that you will otherwise comply with all applicable export control laws. If you reside outside the United States, then in addition to complying with the foregoing, you will comply with any relevant export control laws in your local jurisdiction.

(m) You will notify MSI of any actual or threatened violations or infringements of the intellectual property rights of others, to enable MSI to investigate and respond to such actual or threatened violations or infringements.

5.2 By MSI.

MSI represents and warrants to you that:

(a) (a) Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein or in any Services Agreement, the Services will conform in all material respects to the specifications, functions, descriptions, standards, and criteria set forth in the Documentation;

(b) MSI is the lawful owner of MSI as necessary to render the Services, with all the necessary rights to perform its obligations hereunder; and

(c) The Services do not infringe on any copyright, patent, or trademark of any third party.



6.1 Ownership of Your Data.

Subject to the "Limited Data License" (as hereafter defined), Your Data, which is considered Confidential Information, is and shall remain your sole and exclusive property.

6.2 Limited Data License.

Except with respect to PII, you grant MSI a limited, nonexclusive, fully paid, and royalty-free license to use Your Data for its internal business purposes, analysis of markets and market trends, and to enable MSI to evaluate ways and means to improve the Services (“Limited Data License”). You represent and warrant to MSI that you have all necessary rights and permissions required to grant the Limited Data License, and that granting such License to MSI does not and will not violate any third party rights or applicable law.

6.3 Ownership of Content.

MSI owns and controls Content. Content is protected by all applicable laws, including trade dress, copyright, patent and trademark laws, and various other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws. You may not copy, duplicate, republish, upload, post, display in any public manner, encode, translate, transmit, "mirror" or distribute Content in any way to any other computer, server, website, or other medium.

6.4 Accounts, Passwords and Security.

You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the information you hold for your MSI Account (including your user name/identification ("User ID") and password), and for any and all activity that occurs or may occur under your MSI Account as a result of your failing to keep Your Data, Cardholder Data, and other information secure and confidential. You agree to notify MSI immediately of any unauthorized access or use of your MSI Account, user name, password, Your Data, Cardholder Data, or any other breach of security regarding the Services. If you fail to keep your Account information secure and confidential, and as a result, a third party accesses or uses your User ID and/or password, or Account, then you may be held liable for Liabilities incurred by MSI or any other user of or visitor to the Services. You may not use anyone else's User ID, password, or account at any time, unless you have obtained that person's express permission and consent. MSI is not liable for any Liabilities or damage arising from your failure to comply with these obligations.

6.5 Your Data Responsibility.

The collection, quality, accuracy of Your Data and Cardholder Data is your responsibility. MSI is not responsible for your access to and use of Your Data or Cardholder Data, including any third party disputes of any kind or nature involving Your Data or Cardholder Data. User names and passwords associated with your MSI Account are your responsibility and considered Confidential Information, subject to change upon MSI's direction. You must comply with all Applicable Laws regarding Your Data and Cardholder Data, including PCI DSS, together with all laws applicable to your specific industry.

6.6 Rights to MSI Data.

MSI owns all right, title and interest in all MSI Data.

6.7 Data Export During the Term.

MSI will export Client Information during the Term upon Your written request, and subject to payment by You of MSI’s then current Professional Services Fees for such export services. During the Term, MSI may, but is not obligated to export any Data other than Client Information (“Additional Export Requests”). MSI’s determination as to conducting any such Additional Export Requests is subject to its evaluation and consideration of numerous factors, including the complexity, and the time, labor, and staffing required to process Additional Export Requests, in addition to its then current product development calendar. All Additional Export Requests are subject to MSI’s then current Professional Services Fees.

6.8 No Guarantee to Data Transport.

You understand and agree that anything in these Terms to the contrary notwithstanding: (i) You are ultimately responsible for the accuracy and completeness of Your Data, whether such Data is input, managed, or otherwise handled by You, MSI, or any third-party; (ii) MSI makes no representation, covenant, warranty or guarantee regarding Your Data, MSI Data, or any other data imported, exported (including any Final Export), migrated, merged or otherwise transferred or moved into, out of, or within the Meevo application (“Data Transport”) regardless of the source or origination of such data or whether such Data Transport occurs during or after the Term; (iii) It is not unusual that data that is transported does not transfer consistently, congruently, accurately, on a 1:1 basis, or sometimes at all, for reasons that may include, but are not limited to modifications, adjustments, and enhancements to the Services; (iv) MSI shall determine, in its sole, commercially reasonable discretion, the allowable degree of error arising from such Data Transport; and (iv) If MSI agrees to conduct any Data Transport, (including input of any data on Your behalf), it is Your responsibility to review all such Data Transport and advise MSI in writing of any corrections.

6.9 Backup and Recovery of Your Data.

MSI will implement and maintain appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards, procedures and practices designed to: (i) ensure the security, confidentiality, integrity and authorization of Your Data; (ii) protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security, confidentiality or integrity of Your Data; (iii) protect against unauthorized use, destruction, modification or disclosures of Your Data; and (iv) ensure the proper export or disposal of Your Data. MSI will notify You [via email] if MSI learns or reasonably suspects that the security, confidentiality or integrity of Your Data has been compromised or if there has been an unauthorized use, destruction, modification or disclosure of Your Data, and MSI will promptly take all actions required to stop and remedy any such incident. You must immediately notify MSI as soon as you learn or reasonably suspect that the security, confidentiality, or integrity of Your Data has been compromised or that there has been an unauthorized use, destruction, modification, or disclosure of any of Your Data. Backup and Recovery of Your Data will be provided to You as set forth in Section 22 of these Terms.



7.1 Confidential Information.

Each of MSI and You acknowledges the importance of the protection of Confidential Information, and agree that neither will disclose or use any Confidential Information of the other party except: (i) as reasonably necessary to perform its obligations or exercise any rights granted pursuant to these Terms or any Services Agreement; (ii) with the other party's prior written consent; or (iii) to the extent required by law, subpoena, or order of a court or other governmental authority or regulation, and in such event, to the extent legally permitted, the Receiving Party shall, prior to any such disclosure, promptly notify the Disclosing Party of such request for disclosure in order to give the Disclosing Party the opportunity to object to or seek to limit the scope of such disclosure. Your agreement to these Terms and your Access and use of the Services represents your consent to MSI’s use of your Confidential Information for the purpose of rendering the Services and performing its obligations herein.



You understand and agree that MSI is not responsible for determining whether You are subject to HIPAA. If You are or may be subject to HIPAA, You must execute MSI’s standard form of Business Associate’s Agreement (BAA) in advance of MSI’s delivery of Services to You. It is also Your responsibility to notify Third-Party Service Providers providing Third Party Services to You prior to the commencement of such Services, that You are subject to HIPAA and that You require such Third Party Service Providers to comply with HIPAA.



9.1 Limited Warranty.



If the Services do not perform as provided in the foregoing Limited Warranty, MSI will use commercially reasonable efforts to achieve performance as described therein. If MSI is unable to restore such functionality, you may terminate your Subscription by providing written notice to MSI, and MSI will refund any pre-paid fees on a pro-rata basis. The foregoing is your sole and exclusive remedy for a violation of MSI’s Limited Warranty, and is expressly conditioned upon satisfaction of the following conditions: (i) you must notify MSI not later than thirty (30) days after the first instance of any material functionality problem; (ii) you have utilized the Services in accordance and compliance with this Agreement, the Services Agreements, and all applicable laws; and (iii) this Limited Warranty does not apply to any trial, beta, or Pre-Release products or services.











12.1 Your Indemnity.

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold MSI harmless from and against any and all Claims and Liabilities we incur arising from or relating to: (i) Your Breach; (ii) Your unauthorized use of or access to the Services; (iii) Your unauthorized actual or alleged violation a third party’s intellectual property, privacy, or other legal rights; or (iv) any dispute between you and a third party involving Your Data.

12.2 MSI's IP Indemnity.

Upon an allegation that the Services or your permitted use of the Services infringes any third party’s personal, contractual, or proprietary rights, including any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, right of privacy, right of publicity, or other intellectual property right (“IP Claim”), and such IP Claim results in an injunction or final judgment that prohibits your use of the Services, or in the event MSI reasonably believes that use of the Services may result in an IP Claim, then MSI shall, at its election, either: (i) procure for you the right to continue using the Services; (ii) replace or modify the Services to be non-infringing; or (iii) terminate your Subscription. If MSI terminates your Subscription based upon the foregoing, MSI will refund any prepaid, unused fees and provide transitional services as reasonably necessary at no cost to you. The foregoing (including indemnification with respect to third party claims) is your sole remedy in the event of an IP Claim.



13.1 Precedence.

In the event of any conflict or any ambiguity between these Terms, the Subscription Agreement, the Support and Maintenance Agreement, or any Order, the precedence shall be as follows:

First: The Order;
Second: The Subscription Agreement;
Third: The Support and Maintenance Agreement; and
Fourth: These Terms and Conditions.



14.1 Governing Law; Consent to Jurisdiction.

The laws of the State of New Jersey (without giving effect to its conflict of laws principles) govern all matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement and the Services Agreements, and the transactions contemplated herein, and therein, including, without limitation, interpretation, construction, performance, and enforcement. Each party hereby consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of the State or Federal Courts located in the State of New Jersey, as proper venue for the resolution of any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement and waives any objection that it may now or later have to governing law or jurisdiction.



15.1 Notices.

You understand and consent that MSI may deliver any notices to you via the Services, or via the email address on file in your MSI Account. MSI’s notice to you will be effective on the date sent, if sent on a business day, or the following business day if not sent on a business day. To be effective, all notices and other communications you provide to MSI must be in writing and will be deemed duly given to MSI four (4) days after mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to MSI at the following address:

Millennium Systems International
8 Campus Drive Suite 205,
Parsippany, NJ 07054
Attention: Customer Service Department



(a) Electronic Communications. You agree to the use of electronic communications to enter into agreements, place orders, receive notices, and communicate with MSI in connection with the Services, and, to the extent waive any rights of any kind or nature that require original or non-electronic signature or delivery, or retention of nonelectronic records.

(b) References to MSI URLs. All references to MSI URLs in these Terms and the Services Agreements shall mean to include such other URLs as MSI shall determine or amend regarding the applicable service, terms, or agreement.

(c) Relationship between Parties. Your Access and use of the Services and entry into this Agreement and the Services Agreements does not create a joint venture, partnership, or principal/agent relationship between you and MSI. Neither you nor MSI has the right to create an obligation, liability, or responsibility of any kind, whether expressed or implied, in the name of, or on behalf of the other party, and no employee of either one of the parties shall be deemed for any reason to be an employee of the other.

(d) References. For purposes of these Terms and the Services Agreements, all references to MSI include MSI's affiliates. All references to "you", include you, the end user, and all of your Affiliates. All references to this Agreement shall mean these terms, and references to your execution shall mean to include by written or electronic means.

(e) Compliance with Laws. Each of you and MSI agree to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, executive orders and regulations issued, where applicable.

(f) Cooperation. You agree that where your approval, acceptance, consent or similar action is required in connection with our delivery of, and your access to and use of the Services, you will not unreasonably delay, condition, or withheld such approval. You further agree to cooperate with MSI as reasonably required by responding promptly with our requests for management decisions, information, approvals, and acceptances to enable MSI to properly accomplish its obligations and responsibilities in connection with the Services.

(g) Entire Agreement. These Terms, together with the Services Agreements, constitute the entire agreement between MSI and you and supersede any and all previous representations, understandings, or agreements as to the subject matter hereof.

(h) Progressive Dispute Resolution. You and MSI agree that we will endeavor to resolve in good faith any dispute in connection with your use of the Services, before filing any lawsuit in accordance with the following: The aggrieved party shall deliver written notice to the other party, detailing its grievance or dispute. We will exercise best efforts to resolve the dispute by good faith negotiations, within thirty (30) days of the date of the dispute notice. If we cannot resolve the dispute by such good faith negotiations, then either party may file suit in a court of competent jurisdiction.

(i) Waiver of Jury Trial. Each party knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally waives its right to a trial by jury to the extent permitted by law in any action or other legal proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the transactions contemplated herein, and any other agreement between the parties in connection with this Agreement or the transactions contemplated herein.

(j) Assignment and Delegation. Except as otherwise permitted by MSI in accordance with these Terms or the Services Agreements, you may not assign any of your rights hereunder, or delegate any performance under these Terms. Any assignment in violation of the foregoing is and shall be null, void, and of no effect.

(k) Successors and Assigns. This Agreement binds and benefits you and MSI and our respective permitted successors and assigns.

(l) Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement does not and is not intended to confer any right or remedies upon any person or entity other than you and MSI.

(m) Rights and Remedies Cumulative. The enumeration of either party's rights and remedies pursuant to this Agreement is not intended to be exhaustive. A party's exercise of any right or remedy hereunder does not preclude its exercise of any other right or remedy, all of which are cumulative.

(n) Force Majeure. MSI is not responsible for suspension of its delivery if the Service if such suspension is caused by a Force Majeure Event. Upon the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, MSI will notify you as to the nature and extent of the Force Majeure Event and estimated duration of the period ("Suspension Period") during which MSI will be unable to perform ("Force Majeure Notice"). During the Suspension Period, MSI will provide updates to you as to its efforts to commence performance. When MSI is able to resume, it shall promptly deliver you notice ("Resumption Notice") and shall resume performance in accordance with the Resumption Notice.

(o) Costs and Expenses. In addition to paying Fees, you are required to pay your own fees, costs, and expenses (including, without limitation, for example, in connection with consultants, hardware purchase and installation) in connection with your access and use of the Services, these Terms, the Services Agreements, and your relationship with MSI.

(p) Prevailing Party. If any legal action, arbitration, or other proceeding ("Action") is brought under this Agreement, in addition to any other relief to which the prevailing party or parties ("Prevailing Party") is entitled, the Prevailing Party is entitled to recover, and the non-Prevailing Party shall pay to the Prevailing Party, all (i) reasonable attorneys' fees of the Prevailing Party; (ii) court costs, and (iii) expenses, even if not recoverable by law as court costs (including, without limitation, all fees, taxes, costs and expenses incident to arbitration, appellate, bankruptcy and post-judgment proceedings), incurred in that Action, and all appellate proceedings. For purposes of this provision, "attorneys' fees" includes, without limitation, paralegal fees, investigative fees, expert witness fees, administrative costs, disbursements, and all other charges billed by the attorney to the Prevailing Party.

(q) Amendment and Modification. MSI may amend, modify, supplement, or change these Terms at any time. Neither these Terms nor any of the Services Agreements as between you and MSI may be amended orally, and may only be amended or supplemented by a written agreement, signed by a duly authorized representative of MSI, that specifically identifies itself as an amendment.

(r) Waiver. MSI may waive its right to insist upon your strict compliance with any obligation, covenant, agreement, or condition in these Terms or in the Services Agreements, however, any such waiver or failure to insist upon strict compliance is not a waiver of, or estoppel with respect to, any subsequent or other failure.

(s) Severability. If any provision of these Terms or any Services Agreement is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions therein shall not be affected or impaired in any way.

(t) Merger. These Terms, together with the Services Agreements, are the final agreement, and complete and exclusive expression of your agreement with MSI with respect to the matters herein and therein. All prior and contemporaneous negotiations and agreements between you and MSI are expressly merged into and superseded by these Terms. The provisions of these Terms may not be explained, supplemented, or qualified through evidence of trade usage or a prior course of dealings. In agreeing to these Terms, you confirm that you have not relied upon any statement, representation, warranty, or agreement by MSI other than those contained in these Terms or the applicable Services Agreement. There are no conditions precedent to the effectiveness of these Terms other than those expressly stated herein.

(u) Number and Gender. All terms and words used in these Terms and the Services Agreements, regardless of the sense or gender in which they are used, shall be deemed to include each other sense and gender unless the context requires otherwise. Whenever the context may require, the singular forms of nouns, pronouns, and verbs shall include the plural and vice versa.

(v) Captions. The captions and other descriptive headings of the articles, sections, and subsections of these Terms and the Services Agreements are for convenience only and do not constitute a part of these terms.

(w) Further Assurances. At any time and from time to time after the Closing, the parties shall cooperate with each other to execute and deliver any other documents, instruments of transfer or assignment, files, books and records and do all further acts and things as may reasonably be required to carry out the parties’ intent and the purposes of this Agreement.



17.1 Uptime Commitment.

MSI will make the Service available to you on a twenty-four hour, seven days a week (24x7) basis at a rate of 99.9% (“Uptime Requirement”). Subject to the “SLA” Exclusions” (as hereinafter defined), if we do not meet the Uptime Requirement, you may be eligible to receive “Service Credit” (as hereinafter defined). The Uptime Requirement begins on the Effective Date.

17.2 Measuring Uptime.

We measure Uptime starting on the Effective Date, for twelve (12) month periods (each a Measurement Period). The “Uptime Metric Percentage” (as hereafter defined) will be calculated using the following formula, resulting in the “Uptime Requirements Percentage” set forth in the table below:

(Total Minutes Per Period – SLA Failure – SLA Exclusions)
(Total Minutes Per Period – SLA Exclusions)

In other words:

Total Minutes Per Period,
SLA Failure,
SLA Exclusions
equals the Uptime Metric Percentage

Uptime Metric Percentage is then divided by:

The difference between Total Minutes Per Period,
SLA Exclusions.

The foregoing equals the Uptime Requirements Percentage.

17.3 Service Credits.

If the Uptime Requirement for an applicable Measurement Period is not satisfied, you may be entitled to a "Service Credit" as follows:

Uptime Requirements Percentage:

Service Credit:

99.9% or higher

No Credit


One (1) free month of Services

95% -97.9%

Two (2) free months of Services


Six (6) free months of Services

Below 90%

Twelve (12) free months of Services

17.4 Credit Request.

To receive Credit, you must send MSI an email to accounting@millenniumsi.com later than thirty (30) days after the end of the applicable Measurement Period. The email must include date(s), time(s) and description(s) of each instance of downtime, and any supporting documentation and calculations. MSI will review all properly submitted credit requests against MSI’s logs and system records.

17.5 Credit Eligibility.

Your Meevo Subscription must be current and in good standing for a minimum of twelve (12) consecutive months to request a Service Credit. You are not eligible to request or receive any Credit Service for any Measurement Period during which you were in breach or other violation of any monetary or non-monetary obligation to MSI. Credits will be applied to future Services only, and any unused Credits are non-refundable upon termination of the Agreement. Beta, trial, sandbox, and similar testing services are excluded from this SLA and not eligible for Service Credit.

17.6 Definitions.

(1) “Total Minutes Per Period” means the total number of minutes in the Measurement Period.

(2) “SLA Failure” means downtime during Measurement Period that does not satisfy the Uptime Requirement and is not an SLA Exclusion.

(3) “SLA Exclusion” means downtime or performance issues directly or indirectly cause by or arising from any of the following:

  1. Scheduled maintenance for which we give you at least eight (8) hours prior notice performed from 12am to 7am EST;
  2. Emergency maintenance;
  3. Any Force Majeure Event (as defined herein);
  4. Internet issue (congestion, slowdown, or unavailability) or problems beyond MSI’s operating infrastructure
  5. Suspension or termination of Service by MSI pursuant to this Agreement
  6. Your equipment of any third-party telecommunications, computer hardware, software, or network infrastructure not within MSI’s sole control
  7. Any issue resulting from your actions, inactions, or improper use of API, and any of the foregoing by any third party
  8. Modules of MSI software outside of your ability to login and access MSI Services, including but not limited to, reports, third party integration, hardware integrations, your own custom integrations via MSI API, marketing integrations, SMS integrations and delivery, and email integrations and delivery.



MSI is dedicated to providing our customers with the best hosting and security available, by partnering with Amazon Web Services (“AWS”) and other market leading products to ensure your system is available to you 24/7/365 days a year. AWS is a “tier 4” data center solution, the highest level of reliability available.

18.1 Hosting / Data Center / Disaster Recovery (DR)

Through AWS, MSI offers scalable, reliable, and secure global computing infrastructure, the virtual backbone of the Amazon.com multibillion-dollar online business. AWS data centers are the “best of breed” for compliance and pass certifications all around the world. To review the latest compliancy, go to https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/

As of January 2018, MSI hosts its Meevo system within two Amazon data center regions (East Coast and West Coast, USA). Within these regions, Meevo is hosted in two data centers (availability zones) designed as primary and failover, to ensure it is always available when you need it.

18.2 Network Protection / Security

AWS utilizes an “end-to-end” approach to secure and harden MSI infrastructure, including physical, operational, and software measures. MSI follows AWS’s best practices for securing and protecting data and the data environment. MSI also uses enterprise-class security solutions to monitor traffic and to identify any unwanted probing from hackers. MSI seeks the highest level of network protection and security and has funded audits by two external companies, both returning a top rating.

18.3 Data Transmission and User Session

MSI Meevo SaaS software sends and receives all data though HTTPS / SSL (TLS 1.2, AES with 128-bit encryption (High); ECDH_P256 with 256-bit exchange) which means all data is sent and received through an encrypted channel, this means no unwanted parties (hackers) can see any of your information as it transverses the internet.

18.4 PCI-DSS and PII Compliancy

MSI’s Meevo solution is not in PCI-DSS scope. This means that no credit card information ever passes through Meevo. MSI provides the highest level of compliance and security a POS (point of sales) solution can obtain by using the newest breed of cloud credit card processing, which independently processes credit card information using a credit card terminal and a card processor cloud solution. To reduce risk with Personal Identifiable Information (“PII”), MSI stores only basic information about your customers and employees, such as name, address, phone, and email. MSI does not store birth dates, mother’s maiden names, or social security numbers.

18.5 Data Backups

Data is stored in multiple data centers and secured and encrypted at rest. Backups are made at 15-minute intervals to protect against data loss, and are archived and kept for one year.

18.6 Incident and Breach Reporting

Customer credit card information is not compromised in the event of a security data breach since credit card information is not stored within Meevo. All credit card information is securely hosted at a data warehouse administered through the acquirer and can only be accessed via a “token” stored within Meevo. MSI will notify you of any breach with detail of the incident.



19.1 Changes in Service Functionality (Upgrades)

MSI will upgrade Recipient’s subscription to the latest version of MSI’s application (an “Upgrade Release”) after Upgrade is released to the general user population (“General Upgrade Release”);

MSI will notify Recipient of a General Upgrade Release;

MSI will also provide Recipient with Upgrade Release notes and updated API documentation specifying features and functionality affected by the Upgrade Release.

Upgrade and Update types include:

  • Major Releases
  • Minor Releases; and
  • Maintenance Releases (also referred to as “Hot Fixes”)

A “Major Release,” also known as an “Upgrade”, is a generally available release of the Services that contains functional enhancements and extensions, fixes for high severity and high priority bugs.

A “Minor Release” is a generally available release of the Services that may introduce a limited number of new features, functionality and minor enhancements, fixes for high severity and high priority bugs identified in the current release.

A “Maintenance Release,” also known as an “Update”, is a generally available release of the Services that typically provides maintenance corrections only or high severity bug fixes.

MSI will deploy and notify Recipient of Upgrades, Updates & Maintenance Releases as follows:

MSI typically, but does not always, deploy Major and/or Minor Releases (Upgrades & Updates) on a quarterly basis. MSI will provide Recipient with fourteen (14) days advance email notice of scheduled Updates or Upgrades. MSI will provide exact dates and times of deployment in the body of the email. This information will also be available via the Meevo login screen (“Home Page”).

MSI deploys Maintenance Releases (Hot Fixes) as it deems necessary. MSI will only contact Recipient with regard to Maintenance Releases if Recipient is affected by the Maintenance Release, or, reported an issue to MSI involving the Maintenance Release.

MSI will communicate Upgrade and Update Releases to the contacts MSI has on file for the Recipient’s Account.

19.2 Immediate Maintenance Changes

MSI will perform Immediate Maintenance only when MSI deems it commercially unreasonable to defer the maintenance activities to the next Scheduled Maintenance Window (as hereinafter defined).

19.3 Scheduled Maintenance Window

MSI will perform scheduled maintenance within the “Scheduled Maintenance Window” (as hereinafter defined.)

MSI’s “Scheduled Maintenance Window” for the United States and Canada is: Monday - Sunday, 1:00 AM – 7:00 AM, Eastern Standard Time and 12:00 AM – 6:00 AM, Pacific Standard Time.

MSI’s “Scheduled Maintenance Window” for United Kingdom is Monday - Sunday, 12:00 AM – 6:00 AM, Greenwich Mean Time.

MSI will provide Recipient notice of a scheduled maintenance. The timing of a Scheduled Maintenance Window is determined based on Recipient’s “tenant” location. For purposes of this Agreement, “tenant” means Recipient’s shared cloud access point. For example, if a Recipient’s tenancy is west of Central Standard Time, Scheduled Maintenance will occur during Pacific Standard Time.



20.1 After Hours Support (Outside MSI Support Hours)

If Recipient requires support outside of MSI Support Center hours, MSI will be available at 973.402.8801 through the emergency option and will designate an Analyst who will return the Recipient’s call(s). The Fees for MSI’s After Hours Support are $50.00 per each 15 minute interval with an active support contract, or $75.00 per each 15 minute interval without an active support contract and are non-refundable. After Hours Support fees are billed in 15-minute minimum intervals.

20.2 Technical Support Hours (During Business Hours)

MSI Support Center Hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

20.3 Incident Response Time

“Incident Response Time” is the duration of time from Recipient’s initial contact with MSI’s Support Center until MSI assigns an Incident Severity (as defined below) to Recipient’s issue.

20.4 Incident Resolution

An “Incident Resolution” occurs when the impact of the Incident ends, either because the root cause was fixed or MSI has provided an acceptable workaround.

20.5 Incident Severity

“Incident Severity” is a measure of the impact of an incident on the Recipient’s business processes if not resolved.

The Incident Severity of an incident will be mutually agreed upon by Recipient and MSI. Incident Severity levels are as follows:

  • Severity 1 (Critical) – Total loss of system, or loss or degradation of service of system resulting in the Recipient being unable to complete key critical business transactions, including—interruptions processing “card present” and “card not-present” payments (not Credit Card Processor), accessing and updating customer information, membership billing, appointment booking (including employee scheduling impacting appointment book), and customer check-out.
  • Severity 2 (High) – Loss of service of a business system or process that significantly impacts Recipient’s business operations, with no available or acceptable workaround.
  • Severity 3 (Medium) – Loss of service of a business system or process that significantly impacts Recipient’s business operations, with an available or acceptable workaround that’s been communicated to the Recipient.
  • Severity 4 (Low) – Little impact to any user of system, or a provided workaround is acceptable with little impact to any business process. The problem is not considered significant by the impacted party or parties.

20.6 Incident Resolution Time

“Incident Resolution Time” is the duration between Recipient’s initial contact with MSI and MSI’s communication and delivery of a resolution. The Incident Resolution Time begins at Recipient’s initial contact with an analyst from MSI’s Support Center and ends when MSI delivers a resolution to the Recipient.

20.7 Incident Status Report Interval

“Incident Status Report Interval” is an interval of time at which MSI shall report the status of any unresolved incident to Recipient. Status reports shall be provided via telephone to a teleconference number provided by Recipient or by email.

20.8 Preliminary Root Cause Identification Time

The “Preliminary Root Cause Identification Time” begins after incident resolution and ends when MSI provides an informal report of the root cause of an incident and the actions taken to achieve incident resolution.

20.9 Final Root Cause Determination Time

The “Final Root Cause Determination Time” begins after incident resolution and ends when MSI provides Recipient with a formal report of the root cause of an incident, the actions taken to achieve incident resolution, any actions taken to defect future recurrences of a similar incident and any actions taken to mitigate the recurrence of a similar incident.

20.10 Tier I Support Service

Tier I Support Services are the initial level of support, where trained MSI analysts endeavor to solve known issues and to fulfill service requests. If no resolution is available, analysts are required to escalated incidents to the next tier for additional data gathering, research and troubleshooting.

20.11 Tier II Support Service

Tier II Support Services involve more advanced technical knowledge and are provided by a staff of analysts who have troubleshooting experience that surpasses that of Tier I support analysts. If no resolution is available, Tier II support will escalate to the appropriate department, partner or vendor while facilitating an on-going dialogue with Recipient as progress towards any potential resolution warrants.

20.12 Tier III Support Service

Tier III Support Services requires involvement of technicians in either MSI’s IT, Product or Development departments to handle & solve complex issues escalated via Tier II support technicians. MSI’s respective departments will provide Tier 3 support services for the Meevo application in the event complex issues have been submitted via Tier II support technicians.

20.13 Incident Severity Resolution Times

Incident Severity: 1(Critical)

  • Incident Response Time (during MSI Support Hours): 30 Minutes
  • Incident Response Time (outside MSI Support Hours): 1 hour
  • Target Incident Resolution Time: 4 hours
  • Incident Status Report Interval: 1 hour
  • Preliminary Root Cause Identification Time: 1 Business Day
  • Final Root Cause Determination Time: 10 Business Days

Incident Severity: 2(High)

  • Incident Response Time (during MSI Support Hours): 1 Hour
  • Incident Response Time (outside MSI Support Hours): 2 hours
  • Target Incident Resolution Time: 8 hours
  • Incident Status Report Interval: 2 hours
  • Preliminary Root Cause Identification Time: 2 Business Days
  • Final Root Cause Determination Time: 15 Business Days

Incident Severity: 3(Medium)

  • Incident Response Time (during MSI Support Hours): 2 Business Days
  • Incident Response Time (outside MSI Support Hours): 2 Business Days
  • Target Incident Resolution Time: 4 Business Days
  • Incident Status Report Interval: 1 Business Day
  • Preliminary Root Cause Identification Time: 10 Business Days
  • Final Root Cause Determination Time: 20 Business Days

Incident Severity: 4(Low)

  • Incident Response Time (during MSI Support Hours): 10 Business Days
  • Incident Response Time (outside MSI Support Hours): 10 Business Days
  • Target Incident Resolution Time: 15 Calendar Days (or as mutually agreed)
  • Incident Status Report Interval: 10 Business Days
  • Preliminary Root Cause Identification Time: 15 Business Days
  • Final Root Cause Determination Time: 30 Business Days



21.1 Education Overview

MSI is dedicated to providing Users with an exceptional Meevo training experience.

21.2 Education Hours

9a.m. – 5:30p.m. EST

21.3 Education Services (Included)

Meevo Integrated Assistant*: Enables Users to navigate through Meevo, step-by-step, in order to complete a desired action.

Millennium Academy*: Provides role-based learning paths directed towards an employee’s employment track and includes training videos, training guides, and certification courses, to provide Users with direction and purpose while using Meevo.

*These are standard tools available to all Users which demonstrate features and options available in Meevo and are not specific to Recipient’s processes and procedures. However, customized training services are available for an additional fee, as noted below.

21.4. Education Services (subject to additional fees)

Remote Training: Learn one-on-one, remotely. Trainers connect to your computer to train your team using Your Data.

On-Site Training: A customized agenda is created to train in person, on-site at your business.

Millennium Academy Workshops: Hosted at MSI headquarters, these workshops cover a wide variety of industry related business growth topics.

The Millennium Experience: Annual conference focusing on how to grow your business, streamline operations and inspire your team.



22.1 Data Security

MSI uses industry “best of breed” approaches to secure your data. Your data remains encrypted from the time it leaves your browser until it reaches our databases. We break down Data Security into multiple parts:

22.2 PCI Compliancy

MSI has collaborated with credit card processors to build a solution that is out of PCI scope. This means Meevo neither sees nor accesses credit card information at any time.

22.3 Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

Meevo only stores basic information about your customers. By default, we only ask for a name and an email address. We do not collect birth dates, Social Security Number, or any other identifiable data. You have the option to turn on additional fields to collect phone and address information, but we do not collect other PII.

22.4 Communication Security

All user authentication, credentials, and data use TLS 1.2 (Transport Layer Security). This prevents any “internet sniffer” from seeing your data as it travels across the internet.

22.5 Data at Rest

All your data stored on MSI servers (including database and backups) is encrypted. This means it is unreadable to hackers.

22.6 Authentication and Administration

You can limit employees’ access to Meevo to fit your specific business needs. You may limit access to only within your local Wi-Fi network to prevent off site access. All accounts you give your staff follow Service Organization Control (“SOC”) SOC 2 Type 2 Security rules, which require a strong password, new password every 90 days, and lockout after three bad attempts.

22.7 Roles and Authorization

To make your administration of Meevo easier when replacing or re-organizing staff, MSI offers “role-based” security, which means when someone leaves or needs to be added, you just need to add them to the roles that were created.

22.8 Access Control Granularity

Flexible user and role access lets you adjust permission to each feature down to the specific fields on the screen. You can make the controls hidden, read only, read/write, or “elevate”, which prompts a manager to approve.

22.9 Auditing Activity

If you have concerns about employees’ activities, MSI’s audit history feature will show you all employees’ actions within the system, step by step.

22.10 Monitoring and Alerting

We monitor the system 24/7/365 to alert our staff of any concerns. We will issue notices, to keep you apprised of any issues, and recommend resolutions whenever we are able.

22.11 MSI Use of Recipient Data

MSI does not share your data with any third parties. We do collect aggregate non-identifying high-level data for trend analysis, but we do not use identifiable data.

22.12 Security Scans – Network and Application

MSI received top scores from two, third-party audits of our environment. In addition, we continue to monitor our security environment through quarterly network and application penetration tests, which endeavor to limit or eliminate security holes in our service.