Become a Marketing Master in 2019

December 07, 2018

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Ready to implement your most successful marketing campaigns in the New Year? We’ve broken down the process into four key steps to help you organize, design, execute and measure campaigns to help boost your bottom line in 2019.

How to Create Your Marketing Plan

Determine Your Campaigns

Campaigns can be centered around certain holidays such as Valentine’s Day, or created to help increase your growth indicators such as increasing your new clients per month or average ticket. When planning for marketing campaigns, it’s crucial you can answer the following:

  1. What is the main purpose of this marketing campaign?
    • Example: To sell our limited-time Valentine’s Day packages
  2. How long will this campaign run?
    • Example: January 14-February 14
  3. What type of clients will it target?
    • Example: Couples, clients celebrating self-love
  4. How will this campaign be implemented?
    • Promoted on all social media accounts, in the newsletter, in a designated email blast, on the business website, word-of-mouth, etc.
  5. How will the success be measured?
    • How many packages are booked

Tip: Create a standard outline for every marketing campaign so you can easily refer back/recreate in the future.

Design the Collateral

Once you’ve outlined your campaign it’s time to start creating the collateral. This includes emails, social posts, signs for inside your business, graphics for the website, etc. To ensure your campaign is as successful as possible, every item should be created with the same verbiage, color palette, fonts, and overall aesthetic. Not sure where to start? Tools like Canva and PicMonkey make it easy to design beautiful promotional material at no cost.

Tip: If your campaign targets a few different personas, try tailoring your messaging that is specific to the needs and wants of each client type. For example, your messaging for targeting your male clientele to buy packages for their significant others for Valentine’s Day will greatly differ from messaging encouraging clients who want to celebrate self-love and a little TLC to purchase the package.


Before you implement your campaign, make sure your team is onboard and speaking to the campaign during each client visit. Plan to distribute your materials at least 3-4 weeks in advance, and continue until your campaign ends.

Tip: Right around the time you begin to get sick of marketing your campaign is most likely the time your clients are seeing it for the first time. Start marketing your campaign well in advance to give your client base enough time to see it and act on it.


Measuring the success of your campaigns is one of the most important elements of successful marketing. Your software system should be able to track who came into your business as a result of the campaign, who used discount codes or coupons, and how much money was earned as a result of the campaign. In addition to the monetary aspects, keep track of engagement on the channels you chose to distribute such as social media and email. This will help you adapt for future campaigns so you can identify which types of marketing work best for your client base.

Tip: Going through the process of analyzing each and every marketing campaign will help you narrow down what is working for your client base and what is not. Schedule quarterly check-ins so you can continue to adapt your campaigns to see the highest ROI possible without wasting your budget towards techniques that aren’t working.

Just Released! The 2019 Salon & Spa Marketing Calendar

It’s finally here! The 2019 Salon and Spa Marketing Calendar is hot off the press and ready to help you achieve all your marketing initiatives in the New Year. Get your copy here and find every month broken down into important dates to center your marketing campaigns around, tips for the month, insightful statistics, as well as an action plan to help your business grow.

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