Team Bonding with Jason Everett

How to Bring Your Salon Team Closer Together

February 28, 2020  /  By Jason Everett

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Have you ever wanted to bring your salon management team closer together?


Well, today I’m going to give you some great tips on how to do that!




People seem to overthink staff outings and getting people together. One of the biggest problems is that we see it as a big burden and we feel like it needs to be this huge production (i.e., it’s expensive). With that said, I have been to some really cool staff outings, but I’ve also been to really horrible ones! When I used to work in radio, they bought out a movie theater and we all went to see “Miracle”. At the time I was on the sales team so their intentions were:


We want you to be motivated!!


So we took the time off and ended up watching this motivational movie, only to have the team end up saying,


Ehhh, great. Who cares?


There is an element missing from the team going and seeing a movie that needs to be included in everything that you do when you get together.




First of all, I think that breaking bread by getting together and enjoying a meal with each other can be a really important part of super-gluing your team. When you eat a meal together, you go into a subconscious operating mode and begin to drop your defenses.


The other thing that’s really important to note is that people naturally maintain a certain “mask” that they wear. For instance, we wear a certain “mask” at the salon, at home, and in many other environments. Take your team to an environment that will push them outside of their comfort zones.  Take them to a place where they have not already built up this artificial mask.




When you bring your team into this environment, you will be able to meet real people. Do something out of the ordinary like:


  1. Take your entire staff to an escape room
  2. Go to the state fair
  3. Take a pottery class together


This will make them interact with each other in an environment they are not used to and the “real them” will show up! On top of that, it also allows them to build a bond. It will give everyone something positive to talk about as a staff later, and that will make them a tighter fitting team.


I created an entire list of things that we have done as a team or would like to do.


CLICK HERE to get the list and get some other really great ideas for team building.


You can also take a look at or for more great ideas of things to do in your own town.


If you loved this video or want more great ideas, we have a Facebook group for people like you that have commission salon owners looking to grow their team. Click on the link right here to watch the videos. Join us there to get tons of resources, videos, and downloads.
Jason Everett

About Our Guest Blogger

Jason Everett, High Performance Salon

Jason’s infectious high energy and drive to make everyone he meets the best possible version of themselves, has landed him on center stage in the Salon Edu-tainment scene. Jason is one of the founders of the High Performance Salon Academy which specializes in taking salons that are already successful and cranking up their success to an 11! Their non-traditional and unconventional approach to learning uses the latest in technology and social media strategies to quickly train and equip the most attention-strained owners, leaders and service providers on how to rapidly implement what they learn.

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