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Fall ‘22 Release: The Latest & Greatest Enhancements with Meevo Spa & Salon Software

September 20, 2022

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As the beauty businesses we support begin to gear up for the busy holiday season ahead, there couldn’t be a better time than now to share the latest Meevo updates in our Fall ‘22 Release. 

The MSI team has been working diligently to enhance our spa and salon software offerings and continually add more value for our users and we couldn’t be more excited to share what’s coming your way! Hear what’s on the Meevo horizon in this Q&A with Andrew Clarke, VP of Product Development. 

Q1) What are some of your favorite new enhancements coming to Meevo with this release? 

First, I’d like to let our clients know that we’ve improved our Meevo release strategy to focus on the quality, rather than the quantity of updates and additions to our spa and salon software. We will now share our Meevo releases about every 6 weeks vs. two major releases per year as we’ve done in the past. 

For this release, I’m particularly excited about the updates made to our Docs & Forms tool. Meevo will now provide predesigned templates for a variety of common scenarios. Templates can be utilized as-is or conveniently customized to fit your business. 

Q2) What updates are on the roadmap to close out 2022? 

Here are a few enhancements you can expect to see in the coming months:

  • Improved Security Options – We received great feedback from the survey we sent out and have enhanced Meevo to allow a business to optionally disable the ability to force password changes every X months and the auto-lockout setting.  For businesses that want increased security we are adding 2 factor authentication to access Meevo which can be enabled for specific users. 
  • Google ‘Book Now’ Button – Businesses that have Meevo’s online booking enabled will also have a Book Now button enabled within the Google Knowledge panel.  This button will take the user directly to your online booking site! (We are still working on getting Facebook/Instagram buttons enabled as well) 
  • Client Feedback Improvements – As always with each release there are many ideas submitted that are implemented which range from improvements to reports, existing features or new concepts.  100’s of ideas will have been shipped this year.  To be notified when something important to you is likely to be implemented or planned for a release be sure to vote, comment or submit your ideas within our Ideas Portal.
  • Online Booking Improvements – There are many visual improvements, workflow adjustments, and new functionalities being added. We are also in the concept phase of a brand-new online booking site that is planned for release in early 2023.

Q3) What are you most excited for in the new year ahead?   

I’m most excited for the future launch of some new tools and features that have been in the project phase including:  

  • A new employee Schedule Manager tool 
  • A Product Line feature to easily insert product lines into Meevo 
  • Advanced Dashboards to provide deeper analytics and trend analysis 
  • Online package sales that are available within eGift 
  • A client app that will allow clients to receive promotional messages, book appointments, purchase gift cards, & more. 

Additional future enhancements may include a Shopify integration, a completely redesigned online booking solution, wait list improvements, reporting enhancements, an employee app, and so much more!  

Thank you to all the beauty businesses using Meevo and for helping us make it the most-loved spa and salon software in our industry!  

Don’t forget to view the full Release Notes by clicking the “?” button within Meevo and selecting “Walk-Through Help”. 

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