April ’24 Release: Key Meevo Highlights & Enhancements

April 25, 2024

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Meevo is making moves, my friends! We just wrapped up Q1 and made some phenomenal strides enhancing existing features and adding new ones to the mix as well, all in an effort to further support your business and simplify daily operations.

Dive into our latest Q&A blog below with Andrew Clarke, VP of Product Strategy to learn about some of the noteworthy highlights from our April release and be sure to check out the full release notes within the Meevo Help menu for a complete summary of enhancements!

Q1. What is the most impactful feature in this release?

I would say the most impactful feature added in this release is the ability to enable credit card surcharging for businesses utilizing MeevoPay. Credit card surcharging allows you to charge a little extra when customers use credit cards for payment. When credit card surcharging is enabled, it impacts sales made on-premise, collecting deposits within online booking, and selling gift cards through eGift.



Q2. How will clients benefit from this feature?

Credit card surcharging can be very beneficial for business. Some of the noteworthy perks include:

  • Businesses can recover some or potentially all of their credit card processing costs, adding more dollars back to their bottom line.
  • Guests get more pricing transparency. Instead of hiding the costs of credit card transactions within the overall pricing of goods or services, businesses can explicitly state the surcharge associated with credit card payments, allowing guests to make well-informed decisions about their payment method.
  • Surcharging can incentivize clients to use lower-cost payment methods such as debit cards or cash. Since debit cards typically incur lower processing fees compared to credit cards, businesses can encourage customers to opt for a cheaper payment method if surcharges are implemented on credit card transactions.
  • Businesses stay compliant with local regulations regarding credit card transactions. In some regions, surcharging is permitted under specific guidelines set by payment card networks (like Visa and Mastercard) and regulatory bodies. Businesses can leverage these guidelines to legally pass on transaction costs to clients.


While some clients might initially receive surcharging negatively, it can also serve as an opportunity to educate them about the costs associated with credit card transactions. Businesses can communicate the rationale behind surcharging and highlight alternative payment methods that are more cost-effective for their guests.



It’s important to note that the implementation of credit card surcharging is subject to various regulations and guidelines that vary by region and payment network. Businesses considering surcharging should carefully review these regulations and consider the potential impact on client relationships before implementing such policies. Clear communication with guests about surcharging is ESSENTIAL to maintaining transparency and trust with your clientele.

Q3. What ‘hidden gem’ should all Meevo users know about?

Have you ever needed to delve deep into a specific product’s sales and usage history? Previously, accessing this information in Meevo wasn’t so simple. Now, we’ve streamlined the process by adding a button next to the product display name within its definition.



This new feature provides quick access to essential details such as current on-hand quantity, par levels, last ordered, last received, last counted, and last sold. It also breaks down sales and usage numbers per month over the last 12 months or for a selected year.

 Your feedback means EVERYTHING. 

Thank you for all the fantastic feedback on our newly launched online booking system. We are fiercely dedicated to further enhancing this experience, and we’re actively working on several improvements scheduled for 2024, some of which are part of this recent release.

We greatly appreciate your support and can’t wait to hear how these new updates continue to help your beauty or wellness business.


We want your Meevo ideas!

Navigate to our Ideas Portal within the Help menu and search for your idea to see if someone has submitted it previously. If you find your idea, please comment and/or vote on that idea to help drive our roadmap priorities. If you don’t see your idea posted, please create a new one with as much detail as possible. This is the best way to stay informed on your ideas, and communicate directly with our product development team.



Have you heard about our new Meevo referral program?

In case you missed it, we’ve revamped our referral program and upped the rewards just for YOU!

1. Submit as many referrals as you’d like.

2. You’ll receive $45 for every new Meevo demo completed.

3. You’ll ALSO receive $100 for every referral that goes live with Meevo.

The sky’s the limit! 


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