salon social media

Attract and Retain More Clients with Social Media Teamwork

July 21, 2017

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Social media is no longer just a technology. It’s part of our culture. Businesses that have mastered the art of social media have translated social followers into real revenue. This type of social media success goes beyond strategic posting – it involves turning your team into a social media army from behind the chair.

Expand Your Social Media Reach

When employees share messages, your salon or spa can expand its social media reach and get measurably better results than other marketing strategies. Suppose you’re a mid-sized salon or spa with a total of 2,000 followers altogether on Facebook, Instagram, etc. Now, let’s say you have 20 employees, each with (a relatively modest) 300 followers of their own, for a total of 6,000 unique followers. If employees share posts, tag or mention your business, etc. you can boost your audience from 2,000 to 8,000–instantly.

Employee Posts Are More Likely to Generate Revenue

It’s not just about the numbers. Word-of-mouth recommendations from family and friends are widely seen as more relevant and trustworthy than social media blasts from business accounts. One recent study found content shared by employees receives 8x more engagement and is re-shared 25x more frequently than content shared by business accounts. Even more impressive? Potential clients developed through employee social marketing convert 7x more often than other leads.

Why Social Media Platforms Are Important for Your Business

Social media is a free, yet powerful marketing tool if executed correctly. Here’s why Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are a must-have for your salon or spa:


With over 1.28 billion active daily users, Facebook is a MUST for any business. A “like” on your Facebook page gives you permission to send each follower your marketing messages anytime you wish. As a result, you now have a free, effective marketing platform. Share anything from daily happenings, specials, important information, and much more. Facebook pages have become a one-stop-shop for your

Facebook pages have become a one-stop-shop for your business. Prospective clients can learn more about your business, read reviews, see other’s interactions with your business, as well as find all of your contact information.


With over 400 daily active users, Instagram is a no-brainer for the beauty and wellness industries. As an image-based platform, Instagram is the perfect space to share creativity – one of the pillars of the beauty industry.


With more than 100 million daily active users, Snapchat targets and makes your social marketing relevant to a younger adult audience. With its disappearing posts, marketing on Snapchat allows you to create an immediacy and hype around your campaigns.

Social Media Action Plan for Your Team

Get started today by trying our social media marketing suite for your team on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. Just think: The more your team grows their social presence and engages with your business on social media through mentions, tagging, sharing, etc. – the more you can expand your social reach to potential clients who want to spend money at your business. Looking for additional marketing strategies? Check out this comprehensive guide for salon and spa marketing.

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