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5 Ways to Supercharge Online Booking at Your Salon or Spa

February 15, 2023

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Ever found yourself scrolling the internet late at night and realizing you need a new pair of boots for the coming winter, forgot items at the grocery store, or that it’s time to book that haircut you’ve been putting off? You’re not alone, my friend! According to statistics, 47% of all consumers visit a business’s website in order to make a purchase. That’s because we can do it whenever it’s most convenient, even if it’s in the wee hours of the morning. Enter spa and salon online booking!


Nowadays, offering online scheduling through your website is an absolute essential. Without it, you’re leaving money on the table. A spa and salon scheduling software allows your clients to view, book, and even pre-pay for an appointment right from your website. This not only saves you time and improves overall productivity at your business, but it also reduces the amount of no-shows and lost revenue from cancellations.


However, simply having the option to book online isn’t enough to fill your appointment book. You’ll still need to optimize your website, promote your online booking and drive traffic to your site. Read on to discover the strategies that will catapult your online booking success!

Here are 5 Tips to Boost Your Online Bookings:

1. Adjust Your Visibility 

Ranking low in search engines or failing to nail your SEO basics won’t help bring in clients. Spend some time managing your online presence so you’re ranking higher and clients can find you quickly and easily.


While you’re at it, start tracking and responding to customer reviews on places like Google and Yelp. Recent data shows that nearly 55% of people will search online for reviews and recommendations before making a purchase or booking.


Lastly in the visibility department, make sure you create a strong call-to-action on your homepage for booking and make it, well, visible. If it’s too hard to find then you risk losing customers. Make it stand out by placing your “Book Now” CTA in your navigation bar, using a bold color or a larger font that’s more eye-catching.

2. Market Your Booking Link Across Channels

Savvy business owners (like you!) know that you need to promote your salon or spa in multiple ways. But are you including your salon online booking link when you do it?  Not only should your website and online booking link be visible in your place of business, but you also need to promote it regularly on social media, via email to your database, and in any other materials you’re sending out to clients. It alerts people about booking services online and increases the opportunity for more in-the-moment appointments.


Always include a “book now” link when sending text messages or email promotions. If clients aren’t inclined to rebook at the end of an in-person service, encourage them to book online. You should even update your voicemail to direct customers to your website when you’re busy or it’s after hours.

3. Send Your Salon Online Booking Link in Confirmations and Reminders

Robust salon scheduling software will allow you to automate appointment confirmations and reminders via text message and/or email. Be sure to include a link to your website or your “book now” page so clients can rebook in the moment. Even if a customer books an appointment in person or over the phone, you should still tell them they can always book online and send them a confirmation with your online booking link for future reference.


Fun fact: 67% of consumers prefer to book appointments online and roughly 40% of appointments are booked after normal business hours. Don’t miss out on the opportunity for more appointments and even new clientele!

4. Amplify Client Loyalty and Referrals

Word of mouth still reigns supreme, so ask your most loyal clients to promote your salon online booking link on your behalf, both by word of mouth and on their social media. If someone promotes your website on their social channels, have them tag you so you can monitor any comments. A recent study revealed that a whopping 92% of consumers will trust a recommendation from a friend or family member over any other type of advertising—use those referral opportunities to your advantage!


In return for their loyalty and online referrals, you can offer a rewards program, discount, free add-on service and more. You can even reward new clients points towards your reward program just for booking online with you.

5. Focus on Seasonal Events

The holiday season is a great time to promote your “book now” link with special discounts and promotions. For example, if they book before the end of the year, offer a 20% discount on their next appointment to help lock in the rebooking.


The end-of-year festivities aren’t the only seasonal events you can use to your advantage. Promote your website and offer salon online booking incentives on days like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and even National Self-Care Day. Wait, is that a thing? Well, it ought to be.


Bonus Tip: Leverage our Rebooking Scripts Template to master the conversation with clients and lock in more repeat business!

A Salon Online Booking Strategy Truly Pays Off

Take these five strategies, start putting them into motion, and soon enough you’ll see a dramatic uptick in your online bookings and even your rebooking rates. Best of all, your salon scheduling software and online booking will save you time and improve productivity so you can focus on the big picture of growing your business and crushing your goals!


Excited to learn more about how Meevo can help streamline operations while increasing revenue at your salon or spa? Request a FREE customized demo here.

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