salon hiring tips - happy salon employees

5 Salon Hiring Tips to Grow Your Business

January 15, 2023

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Great business owners know that their success hinges upon recruiting and retaining the right talent, and it couldn’t be more true for salons. Yet with all the changes to employment norms, staffing shortages, and increased employee turnover these last few years, learning to adapt can be challenging. By following these insider salon hiring tips, you’ll be more effective in building a robust talent pipeline that will help your business stay competitive and successful amidst today’s ever-changing world.


Here are 5 Salon Hiring Tips to Help You Recruit Top Talent:


1. Fine-Tune Your Brand 

Start your staffing journey by taking a look at your own brand and presence. Talent nowadays want to sense your vision for the business and know that you have an efficient work flow for both them and their clients. Is your website cohesive and user-friendly? Can clients book appointments easily online and receive text message reminders? Is your social media presence up-to-date? These salon hiring tips go a long way in cultivating trust and showing new hires that their client’s experience is top of mind.


It’s not just clients who check out your reviews, potential hires care about your online reputation too. Begin tracking and responding to customer reviews across online platforms to be sure you’re putting your best foot forward at all times. According to recent studies, 85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations so it’s crucial to keep in mind how impactful your reputation is and how it’s perceived by onlookers.


2. Differentiate Your Opportunity

The details in your employment opportunity are crucial for attracting the right talent. Be specific about who you are looking for beyond just the position. What personality type and skill set is a good match for your team? What level of experience best suits your needs? Are there any required qualifications or accreditations? Should they be proficient in current spa and salon software?


After sharing the nuts and bolts of the job, such as pay structure and availability, also share what makes your salon or spa unique. What kind of work environment do you foster? Do you offer monthly team incentives or outings? Don’t be afraid to add a little personality here to help you stand out. A Glassdoor survey that polled over 5,000 workers revealed that 77% of them would consider a company’s culture before accepting the job so don’t overlook the importance of this during the hiring process.


3. Get Creative with Recruiting 

Traditional job sites like Indeed, Monster or ZipRecruiter are great places to start posting. More industry specific sites such as Salon Employment, Behind the Chair, Salon Builder or Spa and Wellness Careers may help you find talent with more experience and existing clients. And don’t overlook your social media sites–a whopping 73% of job seekers between 18-34 years old found their last job through a social media platform in 2022! Facebook, Instagram and even LinkedIn can be great places to spread the word organically about your employment opportunity.


If you’re looking for newer talent, try connecting with a local college who offers the accreditations you want. A strong relationship with these schools can help keep new, fresh talent coming through your doors so you can continue growing your business.


4. Keep New Hires Excited & Learning

While these salon hiring tips will help you employ top talent, you’ll also want to ensure you’re doing your part at retaining them. Set new team members up for success by giving them a clear road map on how they can contribute and grow alongside your business. Offer ongoing training to keep up with trends in the industry, updates to spa and salon software and cutting edge technology such as mobile or chairside checkout. Arrange for senior staff to mentor new hires or reach out to industry experts and hold an informal Q&A to share their knowledge. Host a monthly lecture series to engage staff in discussions about new techniques and approaches. Lack of training and growth opportunities are among the top five reasons employees often quit—don’t neglect these important factors!


5. Leverage Your Technology

The more you can simplify day-to-day tasks, the more your talent can focus on what they do best. Employee management software like Meevo will help streamline scheduling, plans for promotions, employee incentives and even recording work activities. Use your spa and salon software to walk them through any contactless client solutions for booking or payment that will help save time and reduce hassle.


Lastly, don’t forget to integrate your new hires into your branding. Update your website with their picture and profile. Make social media posts about new talent to introduce them, share the excitement and build your presence authentically. Make sure you tag your talent for easier sharing and to help drive engagement!


Implement These Effective Salon Hiring Tips to Find Your Next Best Team Member!

Staffing your salon or spa isn’t just about hiring employees, it’s about investing in them and building a loyal team focused on growth. It’s about transforming team members into brand ambassadors who keep clients coming back time and time again. Whether you have a staffing need now or in the future, be sure to implement these salon hiring tips when searching for the best talent for your business!


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